Hi all. I have been avidly reading the threads for about a year planning my build. I have learned a lot (still much, much more to learn) and thank all of you for your posts. I am looking at purchasing an RV 14 kit in the next week or so. I am looking at the 14 because a frequent passenger and hopefully pilot at some time will be my son who is 6-4 and hits his head on the canopy in a 7 or 9. I have not yet seen a 14 and don’t want to make a trip to the mother ship before placing my order. I am hoping there is a completed or near completed 14 in the Salt Lake Ut area I could come and look at and hopefully have my son sit in it to see if he fits like I expect. ORRRR, I will be in the So Cal area this weekend and in the vicinity of Van Nuys, Tehachapi, Bakersfield, Palmdale/Lancaster area. If there is one I could look at in that area that would be fantastic as well. Thanks again for all the great reading to those who post!

[ed. From Cynthia at Van's:

"I just noticed that someone had posted regarding an interest in looking at an RV-14. If you think it has any merit, please let the guys know that I can email a list of builders by state – or country - if I have the email address and the state……" v/r,dr]
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Sitting in the real thing will give you the best idea but I doubt that you will be disappointed.
I'm 6'5" and now that I have my seats in I can confirm that I am very happy with the space I have. My son is 6'3" and sits taller than me (short legs) and he has no trouble with the canopy height. Shoulder width is good with us in it together.

If you do find one to sit in, check to see where they have the seats and the rudder pedals. There are 3 different locations for the seats and for the rudder pedals. If you were to sit in my plane, you might have your knees up to your chest. I am 5'8" so I have the seat all the way up and the rudder pedals all the way up as well. From everything I have seen, your son will have plenty of head and leg room.
one more choice?

Doug, you need to try a -7/9 with the 'almost a 14' mod.

(my son who is 6-4 and hits his head on the canopy in a 7 or 9.)

I'm pretty sure AntiSplat is in southern California, so between that and the hundreds of people who have done this mod, it may get you the headroom you need.

I have a -9a, sat in the -14 at the mothership. Not just the headroom, the view down and forward etc. and the shoulder room is really nice. REALLY nice. REALLY REALLY nice! ;-)
I agree with you......do NOT do this unless you have your checkbook! :)
The RV-14 does a reasonable job fitting tall people. I think if there's a place where it's not perfect, it will be much harder to fit very short people. Stoney was saying he has his seat full forward at 5' 8". I find that this isn't nearly good enough for my 5'2" and 5'3" wife and daughter. For them, they needed:

1) The seat in the forward hinge position
2) The rudder pedals mounted in the aft position
3) The seat tilt removed and a 4" boost put behind the seat back.
4) 3" thick rudder pedal blocks on the pedals

Without that, they couldn't even come close to reaching the pedals and flying the plane.

The plane will be a tough fit for people under that 5'7" or 5'8" size I'm thinking, but, it'll do well for people up into the low 6' range at least. Not sure once you get to 6'5" and up....never been that tall. :)
Would like to see RV14

Thanks for the input everyone. I am 5-8 and my wife is 5-5 although she would never pilot it. (Not sure where my son's size came from.) I did not even think of being on the short side for it. If I can?t find a finished or near finished RV14 I can sit in I will need to wait until I can make it out to Oregon to do a flight in the demo plane. I like the idea of the of the bigger cabin rather than the ?almost 14? conversion but that may be something I should look at. So, any ?almost 14? conversions around I could look at? Wish Vans did demo flights on weekends. Hard to get out there during the week.

Doug Zetting
Draper Utah