
Well Known Member
If you live in the NW and have a working ICOM 200 radio that you would be willing to let my use briefly, I would appreciate it very much. I would be happy to fly to your field - my ICOM works a little bit. I would just like to take mine out of the tray and install a known good one to learn what the current background noise signature of my -6A is.

It appears that in addition to potential wiring problems the ICOM 200 in my RV-6A may have a weak audio amp. Recently, I corrected mag wiring in an attempt to address EMI from the ignition system but don't know if I will be able to confirm an improvement with the existing radio.

Thank you in advance if you can help.


I do t have a radio to lend you, but I might be able to help anyway. High levels of background noise is a known issue with the A200. The factory settings for mic gain and sidetione are way to high and need to be adjusted.

There is plent of discussion about this in the archives. Try doing. Search on "A200" for starters.
I'm in Corvallis

And I got an ICOM A200.

Both of mine (in 2 different aircraft) have had to have their sidetones adjusted....2 minute job.

Public thanks to Frankh

This past Sunday afternoon I flew to Corvallis where Frank graciously swapped and tested our ICOM radios. It was determined that my radio recieved fine but transmitted weakly.
I may have other problems but now know the radio needs to be sent in for repair.

Thank you so much Frank for your help. It was great to meet you and your -7A is a very nice plane.

Larry Tompkins