
I'm New Here
Greetings, all! I got my private license way back in the dark ages of 1980, had a share in a 4 year old Cessna 150, then four of us bought a Piper Comanche 250 and flew that for several years. Then came job obligations, kids, all the usual, had a wife who hated flying and forbid me to fly! Thankfully, that woman has been out of the picture for 18 years! Got remarried in 2005, my wife LOVES to fly. Kids are all grown and raising children of their own.

I got bit hard by the desire to own my own aircraft again, but I didn't want the usual 172 or whatever. I have been really considering an RV-12iS, factory built. While we do have a two-car garage, building something in my garage would just not work out. We are taking a quick trip to Vans on October 9th to get a demo flight in an RV-12iS. I love the idea of two EFIS systems, fuel injection, no mags, no carb heat, no mixture to worry about.

For those of you that have one, or have flown one, how do you like it? I don't have any need for an aircraft that is capable of aerobatics, I got that out of my system long ago when I had access to a Bellanca Citabria. Most of our trips will be 3-4 hours in duration, so blazing speed is not really mandatory.

I originally leaned toward an RV-12 because it's LSA, and I can use my driver's license as my medical. I guess I could also go the BasicMed route, too. I got diagnosed with type II diabetes last fall, I take metformin twice a day, my A1C at my last physical was 5.6, so my doctor says I'm really not even diabetic anymore.

I'm 6'2" tall...is an RV-12 going to fit me okay?

Any and all comments you have will be appreciated!
I have experience in the RV-12. It is a fantastic airplane - roomy and comfortable, good speed for your mission, and both fun and easy to fly. I think sitting in the factory demonstrator will tell you how it fits you quickly enough.

Cautions: Useful load may limit you a bit depending on total weight of you and passenger, plus fuel and baggage. The iS is a bit heavier than the 12.

Another consideration is that it is a very light airplane - in gusty winds it is a handful on final and for ground handling. Manageable but it requires constant attention.

As far as the medical goes, I don't think you'd have any problem with either a Class 3 or BasicMed - not an AME but I have studied the regs reasonably well.
Don’t rule out just buying a flying RV-6A or 7A. You could end up with more airplane for less money.


Agree, and would add 9A to this list since you don't need aerobatics - I came VERY close to buying a 9A versus building 14A. I think the 9A is the best compromise between utility and performance if you don't want aerobatics. I chose the 14A for the extra room and the updated approach to its build/construction but if I bought a flying airplane the 9A would be just fine.
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I'm pretty sure the -12iS will fit you fine.

The RV-12 itself is one of the sweetest flying planes I've ever flow. If my RV-3B is anywhere close I'll be delighted.

I liked the heck out of the RV-12 I flew, but decided to build the -3B instead - partly because I wanted a harder project.

The RV-12 is a hoot to fly....has very good manners. Is light, so as mentioned, in gusty wind requires attention upon landing (have found a little extra speed through touchdown solves this). Overall would not go back to GA types; as Van?s has hit this one out of the park.

With dual G3X?s and auto-pilot...this is as fun & safe as you can get. ??Tis fun to sit in your living room and program your flight from leaving departure airport thru vertical decent @ arrival airport...will due light ifr approaches too...if you dig deep enough into (info not in manuals🤓)..

Is very cheap to fly....the rotax is rock solid!
;)I?ve built and flown two 12?s to 400 hrs each. They are very hard to beat in many ways, although I am moving on. I have been to the mothership and saw the is demonstrator. It is absolute perfection. If all of the planes built on their new line look like that one, which I think they will, they will have the SLSA market share in no time. I have often said that I would not want to be in the kit plane business and have to compete with van?s. I think it will be equally tough to be in the airplane manufacturing business and compete with them. Mitch seems to have a lot of great ideas that are being implemented.
For reference, when I sit in an RV-12, I have around 0.5" clearance to the canopy, without headphones.

Distance from top of my head to the floor, while seated, is 39".

In my opinion, I do not fit in an RV-12. It's a light wing loading plane, and you are going to be bounced around a lot, so you can compute your head clearance from the above and figure out if it's enough for your taste.

I've been told one can remove a foam wedge from under the seat to get more headroom.

However, I've done that in an RV-9a, admittedly different seat but same concept, and while you do get more clearance, the resulting seat shape is much less comfortable - sitting in a pit with a rise near the crotch.

Hope this is helpful...
I?m 6? 1? and I fit ok. I do not have the ?wedge? installalled and I can fit my hand between my headphone band and the canopy; meaning, make sure the seatbelt harness is pulled tight on bumpy days.

I will say I have a longer torso and shorter legs (built like Mr. Potato head I suppose).

I recommend you go sit in one before you commit to buying. An option is to customize your seat cushion so it?s a little less tall if you really have clearance issues.