
I'm New Here
Hi there, im looking into building or purchasing an RV-8 in the next year or so, and I'd love to check out an already built one or someone who is building one (I wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty a bit). Here's my dilemma with choosing between building and buying an already built one. I'd absolutely love to build my own for the obvious reasons of making it exactly what I want and keeping costs somewhat staggered, but I'm pretty impatient and I don't know if I would just give up on the project in the long run. Buying one on the other hand is attractive for the obvious reasons but then I couldn't do my own annuals or repairs, so in the long run that would end up costing me more money. Would love to see what you guys think and would also love to get a ride in one if someone has one in San Diego, ill even pay for fuel!

Thanks guys in advance!

You could do repairs but not the annuals. But you only need an A&P to sign off the annual.

So I would be able to do the annual and the A & P would just have to inspect my work real quick and sign off on it?
Doing "Most" of the Work Will Save You $$$, but...

I'd be very leery of any mechanic willing to merely sign off on an inspection you've done. He's risking his license, and unless he's family and really knows your skills, why would he do it?
A huge part of any annual/condition inspection is removing/replacing screws and covers and dis-assembling and cleaning things like wheels, brakes, bearings, spark plugs, etc.
Talk to a good mechanic beforehand. Reach an agreement as to what you can do and how he prefers it laid out. If he is left mostly with inspecting, setting torque, and safety wiring, his time on the project will be really short. Besides, you're risking lives on the result - is it worth trying to save a couple of bucks? BTW, when I do my inspections, I typically have someone else go over my work to help make certain I've done it properly, but it's still my signature.
As for build vs. buy, most RVs for sale can be had for only the SSS invested in them or less. If you want to stretch out payments, take out a home equity loan. Build only if you really want to build.
Good luck in your search.
Terry, CFI
You can work along with an A&P and he can sign off your work. The same as a certified plane except it doesn't have to be an IA