
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Avweb had a pretty good article on safety recently. The URL is

He listed some '07 resolutions that were pretty admirable. #3 pointed to something you can relate to:

"Be regularly involved in a good aviation-related internet forum -- Avsig or one of the owner or operator forums -- where there is an exchange of operating techniques and ideas by competent folks. It's been the subject of a lot of interest that -- of the Cirrus owners who have died thus far flying their airplanes -- very, very few of them were signed up for and involved with the Cirrus Owners' forum. That piece of data is consistent with another significant data point: The pilots who are active in the FAA Wings program or even just attend safety seminars have a far lower accident rate than others. It appears that those who spend part of the day thinking about moving in the third dimension and interacting with others on the good-quality web sites are more likely to have a satisfying life flying little airplanes and die in bed rather than in wreckage."