Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
I just discovered a source for a computer that is designed to be built into a homebuilt A/C, and has various sized screens and mounting options that even my old eyes can use.


I have not seen this product on the forum before, and thought I would share.

New front runner on the short list for my -10, I plan to use it with "Mountainscope" software as my secondary nav instrament----------My eyes being the primary.

Now watch someone come up with something better as soon as I buy one.

Yeah, it's pretty neat. I've been toying with the mini-ITX PC format idea for a couple of years. That's really all it is, a car-pc (these are being put into cars too for moving map GPS, entertainment, data/files, etc). Google a search for "car pc" and see what you find.

The display for airplane use is where it gets spendy, as they have to be readable in very bright sunlight. The weak link as I see it is the hard drive. The read/write head slamming into the platter whilst cruising along in moderate turbulence can't be good. The solid state HDD option would take care of that, but that's yet more $$$. After I started adding up the bits 'n pieces to make it work, including operating system and moving map software, the project started to lose it's luster.

It does, however, rank exceedingly high on the techno-geek/aviator cool factor scale. Can't deny that!
Display Mfg?

Does anyone have any idea who the display manufacturer is for the displays shown? I have been interested in experimenting with my own system.
plane pc

for those who want to experiment with their own mini-ITX setup, you could try:

As far as the hard-drive problem, if you can use a more slim operating system than windo$e, you could run a reasonable system from a 1gig compact-flash card. Many of these mini-ITX places seem to sell a HD to compact-flash adapter for about $15.
I had plans to make own EFIS as "backup" for analog instruments, but so far I hadn't solved the gyro-part (actually had no time to even think about it). However now I think I don't have to... Unless I'd like to save few bucks and be more experimental than the others (which buy their software ;) ).

I had already started to do some SW and planned some HW (writing specifications for the sensors and such) too, but mainly just everything that can be implemented with GPS and A/D-conversions == pretty much everything else except all where gyros are needed.
Pirkka said:
I had plans to make own EFIS as "backup" for analog instruments, but so far I hadn't solved the gyro-part (actually had no time to even think about it). However now I think I don't have to... Unless I'd like to save few bucks and be more experimental than the others (which buy their software ;) ).

I had already started to do some SW and planned some HW (writing specifications for the sensors and such) too, but mainly just everything that can be implemented with GPS and A/D-conversions == pretty much everything else except all where gyros are needed.

As for the gyro part, the two I know of are the crossbow technology and the Pinpoint Inertial GADAHRS used by the Chelton system. The pinpoint people are not interested in any more "experimenting" beyond the one vendor they now supply.

I'm sure there is a lot of work here and $$$ but in my case there are some unique functions I would like to implement plus it is a way to keep your mind active and learn more about aerodynamics and other topics. It is part of the experimental class as far I am concerned.

I would be open to collaboration with others. Are there internet locations active in this area? or is this the place?
BillyBob, glad you could use the info I posted----------I like your idea about collaborating on a comp setup for our planes, wish I had enough knowledge to partake, but all I can contribute is a "Wish list".

WildBill, your links are fascinating-----------and again, I REALLY wish I knew enough about comps to understand them. Looks like a system can be had for a lot less $$$$ than "PlanePC". IF--IF I knew what to get, and how to put it together.

The thing I keep going back to is that "Plane PC" has been developed for the specific use we are looking for-----------including modifications to the screen to make it readable for the envirnment in a aircraft, and cooling, mounting, ETC issues. And that comes at a price.

In consideration of the old addage that "Knowledge is power", I offer "Ignorance is costly".


Rocket Boy's EFIS

Here is a Rocketboy's site. He took a super small PC unit and a flat screen and combined it with a stripped down WIN2000 Op Sys and RMS flightsoft moving map program. I think his plane was also featured in one of the magazines in the last year or two. Read the faq link, which answers most questions.

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George, thanks for the links---------it looks like I need to talk to this guy, he seems to have already fought the battle also.

There seems to be alternative way to make EFIS. As acceleration sensors were pretty rare (MEMS based especially) couple of years back now pretty much any manufacturer has them. Hopefully this happens also in gyro technology. I think it is time to get few samples (iMEMS gyroscopes) from Analog Devices to see what they do. Of course one possibility is use attitude and gyro unit which has ready made data output, but they seem a bit pricey compared how you might do it yourself.

As the PC, they are getting smaller, they have enough CPU power and solid state memories are big and cheap enough so I don't think that the PC will be problem in the future. Good display with touch screen can be problem though but if LCD technology is going forward as it has in last years I think also this is solved then it's time to put display to my plane.

This EFIS ain't top of my priority list so I quess in couple of years we will see where it leads. I'm not in a hurry and currently the software is written in Borland C++ Builder. It is able to read GPS data and parse it and it has also some gauges (including text parser) to display the data... As said I've some plans for HW as most data comes in analog form the sensor and it has to be converted. I'm considering using some ATMEL or similar microprosessor which would be connected to the PC via USB (fast) and then the microposessor would have number of A/D converters behind it. At least the data (if we forget the gyros again) rate doesn't have to be very fast for example how many readings you need for cabin temperature in each second? Anyway, we are talking a lot lower data rates than in music for example.

I can share my ideas in the future, but for now most things are just ideas and something should be done next... :D
You might look into gyros used in the Radio Control hobby--------helicopter applications--------solid state units with increadably fast response rates-----adjustable output values, dont know if they can be adapted into your need though, but probably worth a look. below is a good place to check.


Good luck, Mike
Mike S said:
You might look into gyros used in the Radio Control hobby--------helicopter applications--------solid state units with increadably fast response rates-----adjustable output values, dont know if they can be adapted into your need though, but probably worth a look.
I still fly RC planes and actually I've one gyro for them too (when hovering you can make it a bit easier if you put gyro for rudder -- mine is still uninstalled).

Yeah... you ain't talking much but you are talking wise words my friend. After taking a look at Crossbow's page it really confirms that at least their product is based on 3 angular sensors and 3 acceleration meters as I thought it might work. However they also say that normal piezo electric gyros for RC has serious drifting (temperature, vibration). Therefore those much more expensive solid state gyros might be the solution. And those used for RC might be from cheapest end of angular sensors... How about heading hold gyros or such. Hmm... have to think these things a while.

I'm still worrying a bit the drifting and 6 sensors for attitude and heading will need some math and time to figure how to make them work correctly on display. However if commercial products doesn't have too much drift then it is manageable. Rocketboy however might help with this but I better get some gyros and I think I got some acceleration sensors already in a bookself.

Still remind you all that I've worked about 20 hours with the empennage and therefore my plane is not going to be ready in few years so even I'm talking a lot now it doesn't mean I'll use next few months for this. Original plan was built EFIS while doing the plane bit by bit. However it seems the most of the input data has been figured out and next bigger thing would be some HW which would collect data from the sensors including gyros.

And instead of Horizon Hobby, I would look directly from Futaba RC and their gyro-page at http://www.futaba-rc.com/radioaccys/futm0807.html. It's 1:00 am here, got to go sleep for now.

Thanks for the tips for everyone!