
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I'm curious if any other RV-8 guys have run into this.

A few weeks ago, I went to latch my canopy, and when I let go of the handle, it popped back up - wouldn't stay latched! I messed with it a few times, and finally got it to stay put, but it didn't feel very secure. Looking closely, I noticed that there was a very shallow groove being worn into the brass bushing (sorry, no part numbers - everything is still in boxes from a move...) that the latch hook "snaps" around. I spun the bushing about a quarter turn and the canopy snaps as it should. I guess if I spun it a half turn, it might not hold.

So with 740 hours on the latch, I guess I can go another two years before I really need to replace the bushing....:rolleyes:

Interested if anyone else with an -8 has seen this wear pattern?

RV-8 Latch Issue

I just ran across your 2008 post on the latch closing issue with the bushing. I am having the same issue. How did you solve this?
