These are the Collings Foundation's B-17, B-24 and B-25. They will be moving to DAL by the weekend and will be there for about a week. This is, IIRC, the only currently flying B-24.

In case you're wondering, yes, you can get a ride for a donation to the foundation, about $400 depending on which aircraft. I took a ride in a different B-17 year after last and the smile persists to this day.


And yes, I will be calling to schedule a ride in the B-24 :)

My dad flew B-24's in WW II, I had heard and written down all his stories and wanted to ride in the B-24 but was to cheap to pony up the money. So, my wife, Pam, saw this as the perfect birthday present. I made my reservation and flew the bird dog over to Denton Tuesday. I went early to look at the airplanes and talk to the Collings folks. (I would have taken the RV-8 but the field was a bit on the soft side for that.) All the Collings folks were friendly and great great to talk to. Pam came over to see the airplanes, her dad was a crew chief on B-17's in WW II. She toured through both the B-24 and B-17 and really thought it was great to see where her dad had served his country during WW II. The ride was about 30 minutes long. As soon as we got airborne, they rang the bail out bell, and we started moving around the crew positions like musical chairs. I made all the positions, Riney Hay's tail gunner position, Charlie Cope's waist gunner position, Bill Droschkey's top turret, and of course my dad's pilot positon. We almost, they wouldn't let us in the seat, no stick time... All to quick the bail out bell ran two times and it was time to go strap in for the landing. Jim, the pilot, squeeked her on and all to quick the flight was over. Would I do it again, well, the next day, I hopped a ride in the B-17. What a fantastic couple of days. If you have any family connection with any of these airplanes, the cost of the ride it cheap. Don't miss the opportunity, you only go around once...
These are the Collings Foundation's B-17, B-24 and B-25. They will be moving to DAL by the weekend and will be there for about a week. This is, IIRC, the only currently flying B-24.

In case you're wondering, yes, you can get a ride for a donation to the foundation, about $400 depending on which aircraft. I took a ride in a different B-17 year after last and the smile persists to this day.


And yes, I will be calling to schedule a ride in the B-24 :)


Actually, the Commemerative Air Force also has a flying B24. It started out life as an "A" model before being converted into an LB-30 Transport. The CAF is in the process of reconverting the plane back to its original B-24A configuration.