
Well Known Member
I am thinking of installing a web cam in the workshop and sending the time lapse photos to a page on my website every 30 seconds (tbd) or so. Has anyone else ever tried this?

Cheers Tony
Has anyone else ever tried this?

That's what I'm doing: with a couple of cheap web cams and a PC in my hangar running Apache. I'm using some Javascript code I modified from something found on the web and my own Perl script. Not terribly elegant but works well enough. You can view the source for the Javascript or I'll send you the whole script if you Email (not PM) me.

In my case, the key phrase is "time lapse" :-( The slow build wings are out of sight of either web cam but the empennage is back on the bench while I fit the fiberglass tips. It would be nice to record images on a periodic basis and stitch them together into a movie showing construction of my RV but I feel I've already spent too much time writing scripts and not enough doing fiberglass :)
I've got one running. I'm using the built in USB webcam on my laptop and a free software called YawCam.

You can find Yam Cam here :

I'm using the disk option to keep the pictures on my hdd. I'm using the FTP option to upload the pictures on my website. It also comes with its own web server to serve images and even livevideo.