
Well Known Member
When it comes to safety when working on the RV, my main concern has usually been the use of hand and power tools and the potential for inadvertantly drilling a hole through my finger! An incident this afternoon reminded me that workshop accidents can sneak up on you from unexpected directions.

Let me explain. It is autumn in this part of the world and the weather is starting to get a bit gnarly, rain, thunder and a report of some minor tornado damage not far from where I live. I am out in the man-cave standing on a small stool, with my head buried in the innards of the RV, when my dog, who is normally a pretty calm beastie, must have been frightened by the thunder and decided to climb up dad's back for 'protection'.

Now we are talking about a fully grown Saint Bernard here so the end result wasn't pretty. I was sent flying off the stool onto the concrete floor, along with tools, RV parts and a confused, panicing, very heavy mutt. Fortunately nothing broken (me or the plane), but I am sitting nursing minor aches and pains and thinking how lucky I was since I was by myself at the time. Could have been a very different story if bones had been broken. I've decided to call it a day.....

Be careful out there!

Clive Whittfield
New Zealand
Slow build RV6
surprise visits

Clive, it seems like your dog was looking for some serious attention!

One thing that gets me are the "sneak attacks" from the kids. They quietly come down to the aircraft factory for a surprise visit. They have even timed the attack so that they give me a "boo" just as the compressor stops.

I have reminded them that they may need to use their CPR training if they keep doing this - it gives me a real startle.
Two weeks ago a boy slipped while tightening a nut--four stitches in a finger from aluminum. He learned a new respect for the Kevlar gloves he should have been wearing...

We have to give our dog Valium for him to remain calm during thunderstorms. But after thinking about it, I usually don't work in my shop during thunderstorms. ;)