
Well Known Member
Reading about recent RV related accidents and the loss of some excellent airmen and pristine aircraft, reminds me of a code that was taught to me years ago.
When I was a young lad, I started hanging out at my local airport pushing brooms and washing airplanes for a few bucks or hopefully a ride. Posted in the office was a poster with the following:

"Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous, but to a degree even greater than the sea is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity, or neglect."
-Cap. A.G. Lamplaugh, British Aviation Insurance Corp., ~1930

Whether I am flying at my job or in the Pacer or RV, I try to keep these thoughts in mind.

My favorite TV program growing up was "Hill Street Blues" and I will always remember the words of Sgt. Esterhaus that opened each program....
"Let's be careful out there!"
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