
I?m using Wordpress blogging software for my build log. Has anyone found a great way to track the hrs spent building other than having to manually add up hrs you?ve entered into blog posts?

I?m thinking a custom field can be used - but before I go digging, I wanted to see how others may be doing this.
Do you really want to know?

I've used two different blogging packages for my build, and neither tracked hours. I'm on wordpress now, and it's ok. I usually make a note in a paper notebook about my time in the shop, but I forget to from time to time. My question is, do you really want to know how many hours you spent in the airplane factory? I have not added mine up, and I don't plan to!
I was doing just that. I had a custom field named Hours, and used PHP to total it up for display in a widget, as I recall. It worked pretty well.
I was doing just that. I had a custom field named Hours, and used PHP to total it up for display in a widget, as I recall. It worked pretty well.

Glad to hear that helped you. I did see a facility for a custom field in Wordpress but haven't researched it yet.
Fairly easy to use. I used a PHP widget for the totals. For some reason that stopped working, but I sold the project shortly before it did so I never bothered to investigate. I'm building again, but not tracking hours this time.
I use a custom field, and way back when I did this I found someone who had put together a plugin for hour tallying, but it didn't quite work right, so I ended up having to hack it a bit. I think it worked OK for overall hour logging, but I wanted to also have hour totals per build phase (tail/wings/fuse/etc), and I believe that was the part I had to muck with a bit.

End result can be seen in the sidebar here: