
Well Known Member
Have any of you flown into Woodstock Ontario? It has a gravel runway... Wondering if it would be in suitable condition for an A-model...
Phil - why not call them and ask? The flying club can be located at this URL:

From their website:
Our field, 06/24, is a grass strip with a gravel centreline in the lighted area, which is 3040 feet long. The elevation is 1025+/-. There is also an 100 foot over-run area of grass at both ends of the runway beyond the lighted area. A taxiway from midfield leads to a grass infield, hangars, and a clubhouse.

Also from their club homepage:
If you wish to contact us, you can call the airport at 539-3303, and leave a message. However, the answering machine is not regularly monitored, and so one of the members, Dick Holm, has offered his home number, 537-8948, and volunteered to respond to all queries at that number within 24 hours.

Note they operate a freshly-painted C-172 and their newest acquisition, a Piper Cub, from that field. I would suggest the airport is likely quite useable by your 9A, but would caution that if you are not accustomed to operating on gravel, treat the throttle as though there is an egg between your hand and the throttle. Smooth, gentle application of power will go a long way to avoiding prop damage.
Phone numbers

Check their web page to make sure but you have to put the area code in front Of the phone number which I believe will be 519. I was in there many years ago and it would be no problems for a 9A. Check to make sure but I imagine it is still good.