
Well Known Member
Anyone with experience flying with Sensenich wood props while in actual IMC? Not rain mind you, just your everyday run-of-the-mill white fluffy coulds.



I see you are flying an RV-8. I hope you are asking about a wood prop for your Piper Cub. If you are thinking of mating one to your RV, let's talk. I'll give you a dozen better options.
No problem, Ken..

Anyone with experience flying with Sensenich wood props while in actual IMC? Not rain mind you, just your everyday run-of-the-mill white fluffy coulds.



We flew our -6A with a 3 bladed Catto and no leading edge protection for 5 years, often through thick clouds in IMC....no damage. Rain, however, is another story!

Thanks Pierre, appreciate the info.

break break

A beautiful Sensenich wood prop IS installed on my RV8 and works just the way I want it and looks fantastic. I'm not interested in 1000 other options... I climb and cruise with other RVs just fine, but I do appreciate the unsolicited opinion on the subject :)

I have about 200 hours on my Waco's Sensenich prop. All of the time, flying around in showery Florida. The results of only moderate rain encounters is that I am sending my prop to be refinished and re-varnished (about $1,000 on that big prop with shipping and all) at the next annual due to the dramatic pealing of the varnish (completely gone from the brass leading edge and is several places on the wood). I operate out of a grass strip in great condition, so I am not sure if this has had an effect, but the prop is in poor shape. All of that said, I have seen cubs with ANCIENT wooden props on them and they looked like brand new. I guess the answer is... Your mileage may vary!
Thanks Foster, great info. I avoid the rain like the plague but have ventured into the goo from time-to-time without any problems. Was just wondering what those with more experience with wood props have found.

Thanks Pierre, appreciate the info.

break break

A beautiful Sensenich wood prop IS installed on my RV8 and works just the way I want it and looks fantastic. I'm not interested in 1000 other options... I climb and cruise with other RVs just fine, but I do appreciate the unsolicited opinion on the subject :)

If you are happy with your prop, I'm happy for you. It should be stressed, however that anyone with a wood prop on an RV should avoid flying in the rain. If you are content with avoiding rain, go for it.
Reduce RPM in the rain

I had a Sterba wood prop on my RV-6A. While I would avoid heavy rain at all costs, if I found myself in light rain (light green on the NEXRAD), I would just throttle back to about 2000 or 2100 rpm to avoid excessive damage to the finish on the prop. The matte varnish that I had on the back side of the prop seemed to "weather" this ok.

Hitting the light rain would happen only once or twice a year and I would need to revarnish the prop once every other year.
Just out of curiosity, why would there be any concern with the wood prop in the goo. If there is no rain, then what is the concern?

....wooden prop damage has ranged from mild to wild from posters on here. When I sold my -6A, they flew through heavy rain on the flight home and nearly totalled the Catto prop...you should have seen it!!

Damage has also ocurred in light rain with high revs, so the OP is trying to find out where the line is.
