
Well Known Member

have you ever considered the difference between the standard wood prop extension and deluxe prop extension ?

Do you think it's worth about a gap of 260 usd ?

I bought long time ago a standard extension ... what's you thought ?

Saber Engineering

got my spacer from Saber Engineering. It fit perfectly and my Sterba wood prop mounted up just fine.

The prop hub thickness was exactly what my fwd spinner bulkhead was made for - no modification was necessary.

Don't know what others sell but Saber is the way to go IMHO.

Luca, IMHO, vale la differenza. Il " standard" l'estensione utilizza i bulloni MOLTO lunghi che entrano attraverso il puntello, estensione ed in mozzo. Il " Deluxe" l'estensione utilizza due insiemi di più brevi bulloni. Un insieme per serrare l'estensione al mozzo ed il secondo insieme per serrare il puntello all'estensione. Ci sono due estensioni differenti, una per i puntelli di legno ed una per metallo. Quando vi mettete in contatto con Sam a Saber, se lo assicurerà per ottenere l'estensione, i bulloni, excetera corretti.

In English:

IMHO, it is worth the difference. The "standard" extension uses VERY long bolts that go through the prop, extension, and into the hub.

The "Deluxe" extension uses two sets of shorter bolts. One set to bolt the extension to the hub and the second set to bolt the prop to the extension.

There are two different extensions, one for wood props and one for metal. When you contact Sam at Saber, he will make sure you get the correct extension, bolts, etc.
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Luca, IMHO, vale la differenza. Il " standard" l'estensione utilizza i bulloni MOLTO lunghi che entrano attraverso il puntello, estensione ed in mozzo. Il " Deluxe" l'estensione utilizza due insiemi di pi? brevi bulloni. Un insieme per serrare l'estensione al mozzo ed il secondo insieme per serrare il puntello all'estensione. Ci sono due estensioni differenti, una per i puntelli di legno ed una per metallo. Quando vi mettete in contatto con Sam a Saber, se lo assicurer? per ottenere l'estensione, i bulloni, excetera corretti.

In English:

IMHO, it is worth the difference. The "standard" extension uses VERY long bolts that go through the prop, extension, and into the hub.

The "Deluxe" extension uses two sets of shorter bolts. One set to bolt the extension to the hub and the second set to bolt the prop to the extension.

There are two different extensions, one for wood props and one for metal. When you contact Sam at Saber, he will make sure you get the correct extension, bolts, etc.

AND the bolts can be torqued to their proper values. The extension to flange about 60 lbs and the extension to prop about 35 lbs depending on the prop.
Does anyone have any DATA that the standard extension ever had any problems or is this another example of vendor hype invading collective thought? I have not decided yet which way to go but I do know the standard extension has worked for years and years. Sure the delux maybe be better but if the standard is good enough why is better, better?
Standard Extension

I have the standard and it has been on 2 A/C with 2 different props with no problems. It is all about the torque on the prop. Old Prop torque was 25 Ft. Lbs, new prop is 45 Ft. Lbs. Re-torque with each season change to maintain proper torque. I retorque 4 times per year here in Ga.

Your milage may vary....