
Active Member
Well I've got almost 35 flight hours and have completed all of my required minimum aeronautical experience (night, xc, instrument, etc.) expect 1.7 hours of solo xc and the prep for the check ride. All this and I hadn't passed my written.

Until now. Went in this morning at 10:15 was out by 10:45 with a 95% passing grade. I figure that's probably good enough for what I want to do. All that's left to do now is fly just a little bit more (hopefully), pass a checkride, and I'll have a ticket in hand. I can only think of a bazillion places that I want to fly my wife! And I need to find someone to do some acro training.:D

That's great! Congratulations. You're almost there.
I always thought you had to pass the written before you could solo..... My memory must be getting foggy with old age :D.
That's great! Congratulations. You're almost there.
I always thought you had to pass the written before you could solo..... My memory must be getting foggy with old age :D.

Thanks a bunch. I was nervous beforehand. I told the examiner the wrong birth date the first time. He mentioned to his assitant that they should put some more bags in the testing room for when they throw up. At first I thought he was kidding, but I wasn't sure :eek:.

As I understand it (I'm sure someone else can explain better, FAR 61.87) you don't have to pass the Private Pilot Airplane written test to solo. Your instructor provides you a test that quizzes your knowledge of the applicable sections of 61 & 91 and the operational procedures for the airport you're soloing at in addition to the operation and limitations of the airplane.

Direct from the student pilot guide "When to Take the Knowledge Test... For optimum benefit, it is recommended that the knowledge test be taken after the student has completed a solo cross-country flight."

So I guess you are getting old ;)
Are you the guy who always scored close to 100% when the class was graded on a curve? :)