Rick RV-4

Well Known Member
I know this has been asked before, but has anyone else tried the Loehle Wonderfil product as of late? My "old school" painter is against me using it (as he doesn't want to branch out from what he knows) but I'd like to give it a shot. He's talking 30 hours of labor for the cowl alone (!) and this seems excessive - I'd like to do the dirty work and I like what I've been hearing about this product.

Please keep the answer on subject - not trying to re-open the debate on how best to work the fiberglass parts.



After sanding and painting with a filler primer and sanding some more. I still had pin holes. I finally used the wonderfil and it came out great.
Thats my 2 cents worth. It worked for me.:)
After sanding and painting with a filler primer and sanding some more. I still had pin holes. I finally used the wonderfil and it came out great.
Thats my 2 cents worth. It worked for me.:)

Did you use the Loehle primer after the Wonderfil, or another primer and paint?