
Active Member
Looking for Women experimental teams to fly in the Air Race Classic race in Late June. All info can be found at
Cyclone (Stephanie) and Gretchen, RV-7, out of Denver are entered as Racer #24. This is the old Power Puff Derby started in 1929.

It's a 4 day transcontinental, about 2500 miles. June 17-21. I have flown the race as co-pilot 3 times and can answer any questions. You learn so much about your RV, you increase your piloting skills are have a blast. It is one of those life events you will always remember. I have a 15 page presentation that walks you through the whole process of entering to finishing the race.

So what do you think..... Bonnie, Louise, Marion, Cookie (Tanya), Gail, Slasher (Cathy)?????

RV-7A - In Paint
90 hours, First flight June 2015
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Bonnie's reply

Bonnie and Tom are meeting our kids and grandkids that week in the Black Hills. Glad to hear experimentals are now allowed.
Well, that would be cool and something to consider in the future. I hope you're right about the change.

But, I note that their website's FAQs specifically says EABs are NOT allowed. I didn't see any information confirming that the policy has changed.
ARC is looking for qualified E-AB airplanes to race in the Non-Competition Class

Copy / Paste From: http://www.airraceclassic.org/race-faqs.htm

Currently, the ARC does not allow Experimental Amateur-Built (E-AB) airplanes to enter in the Competition Class. However, the ARC is looking for qualified E-AB airplanes to race in the Non-Competition Class in order to gather data further evaluation. Again, it's a handicap issue. For cerified airplanes, we have a rough idea of the expected handicap. For E-AB airplanes, the handicap issues become very complicated. So gathering data over time will permit ARC to answer many questions, with the goal of including E-AB airplanes in the Competition Class. For further information, contact Airplane Division.

Note: There is a mail to link for Airplane Division on the ARC website at the URL pasted above.
Well, this is certainly a step in the right direction!

Now if only they allowed solo pilots... :eek:
Handicap data

There is a huge data base collected from several years of SARL races.
It seems that handicapping RV types should be doable now.

Conflicting calendar

My calendar is getting in the way. I plan to be at PRS during that time. I may swing up to the launch point a day or two beforehand to meet some of the flyers.
Perhaps 2017 for me.

My calendar is getting in the way. I plan to be at PRS during that time. I may swing up to the launch point a day or two beforehand to meet some of the flyers.
Perhaps 2017 for me.


Hey Red 2, PRS ends on the 18th, this starts on the 21st...piece of cake...Spirit will let you off eh!?! ;)

There is a huge data base collected from several years of SARL races.
It seems that handicapping RV types should be doable now.


Twister, great call! Cougar, if you want the SARL data, lemme know...it's very accessible, mucho spreadsheets, with sorted info by aircraft type (EXP and Production), etc. Don't know how the handicapping works, but if it helps, all the better!

RV-7 in the Air Race Classic

Arrived Double Eagle (KAEG), the first fuel stop! The fastest airplane in the Air Race Classic, they even beat the photographer to the field:

Welcome to Stephanie Wells (R) and Gretchen Jahn (L), flying the sole RV-7 in the race from Prescott to Daytona Beach:

And on to the next leg after a brief break, braving midday temps en route to Midland:

The fuel line got long in the meantime!

You can find them on the live map here (unless they've already finished!).
I met Stephanie and Gretchen the day they did their timing procedure out at KFTG - Had a great breakfast with them. Both wonderful ladies and I'm rooting for you!!!

Go team 24!!!!

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Any word on team VAF 1? According to the live update map, they're still in Champaign, IL. Are they resting up, or do they have aircraft issues?
Looks like they're on their way again...and at a good clip! They may have been waiting for the most favorable winds (I think the racers are evaluated on how much their average ground speed exceeds some nominal speed for their airplane - the goal is to fly the "perfect cross country").

Here's the current map.
This just in: Stephanie and Gretchen have landed safely at the finish - Daytona Beach KDAB. Congratulations, VAF 1!