
Which video camera are you using Jon? Is it the Drift HD170? Thanks. Dave

Looked fantastic Jon........a great way to unwind from work!

Looking forward to catching up soon.

Great video Jon, I keep forgetting to take a video camera with me when I go for a fly.
Thanks for posting. :)
tight turn

When I saw the post on the VAF home page I thought... "ahh look there is Jon turning base"

As yet Jon you take the cake for the most aggressive circuit maneuvering I have experienced. Made me become a little more ballsy when I do it now.

The freedoms of a country field :)

I was expecting to see XRC at the end of rollout but you hit the stop button about 5 seconds too early!
Awesome video. Great place to fly down there.

Take a video along so i can get an isight into your product?! Looking forward to seeing the results of all your hard work - hope Phase 1 is going OK?


Careful - someone might actually believe that flight really was conducted in some form of disorganised circuit.....dont want our friends in the US of A thinking I am a loose goose. Let's just say that circuits at my home field are always a little bit tighter.......;)


I hadnt noticed VH-XRC at that stage unfortunately....I did a u-turn off 18 onto the taxiway and headed straight up to a waiting hangar at the North end (thanks to Anatol and Brian Hawk). I didnt notice XRC until I walked back to the airport office. Shame.....if I had noticed XRC i would have definitely beat up the strip just to get a shot of your baby passing my wing at speed! Look forward to seeing you in Ceduna in a couple of weeks.....maybe i can get some footage of XRC off my wing with those perfect cliffs in the background on the way to Perth?!

PS I had to stop myself pinching XRC's bungs and control locks - she is well looked after... :)



Can you tell us about your camera setup?


Camera is a GoProHD. I use the standard mount and have drilled it out to recieve one of the wingtip screws. Simple and effective.

There is another video on YouTube (search VH-JWC) which is shot from the wingtip on an overcast day. The picture is much clearer on a sunny day and the latest video is shot on a higher frame per second rate (60fps).

I used my Mac to edit the video and add the music - pretty simple.


Not dropping into Parafield for a refuel along the way, by any chance?

- mark

Definitely a possibility - we havent locked down a plan as yet. I'll be travelling in company with Ken Brown in his RV-8 (VH-NEK) and heading over to Perth for the Langley Park Fly-in. Probably leaving Vic Tuesday 11th October....

Will have to report back....

Chz Jon.
Bucket list

Sounds like a good trip.

I crossed the Nullabor in the opposite direction in January to ferry SOL to its new home. One of those bucket list items, I think.

Forrest is definitely an experience :)

- mark
kind words Jon

Bungs and gust locks mandatory!

She very rarely spends the night outdoors. But I sleep a lot better now than i used to when taking her away on trips.

At least the dew makes cleaning the bugs off easier ;)

We are all set to leave Sydney on the 11th as well, so hope to see you in Ceduna (we have booked the East-West motel). Otherwise somewhere else on route, and worst case Perth!

Seems like everything is still on schedule.
