
Is it acceptable to route wiring like tail light, trim, A/P servo, etc. along side the battery cable under the fuel selector panel.
I would not think the battery cables would cause any issues. And both the battery and tail lights would be essentially immune to any noise their wiring might pick up from the A/P. So, I don't think you would have a problem. I would keep stobe lines away from the A/P lines, however.
ap wire type?

is your ap wire twisted & shielded? if not, I'd keep it away from the big wires.
Is it acceptable to route wiring like tail light, trim, A/P servo, etc. along side the battery cable under the fuel selector panel.

IIRC, it is general aircraft practice NOT to place any wiring underneath tubing or valves carrying flamable liquids where the liquids possibly could drip onto the wires.

It is ok to place wiring above the tubing, etc.

Seems like I read that either in the "General" Handbook or AC 43-13-1 sometime during the last Century.;)
strobe wiring

Any issue of bundling the strobe wires with the nav, landing light, and taxi lights in the wing wire bundle? Any RF issues with the Whelen strobe kit with other wires in the same cable bundle?

What gauge wire does the strobe use?

I decided to run the strobe wires separately

all the way to the wing tips and tail, though I have read in the Aeroelectric list that the strobe wires should pose no RF risk. I have no issues related to the strobe wires, and they only cross other wire bundles at right angles in my layout. Wasn't hard to do, so I played it safe.