
Well Known Member
The 8 wing spar has only 4 holes. Two are used for the rudder cables. One 4 AWG wire almost fills an entire hole. So just running power and ground from the rear battery uses those up.

I was trying to keep the holes in the side walls minimally used for wiring (pitot, intercom, cockpit lights, etc.). I have two auto pilot servos, elevator trim, and SkyView ADAHRS, transponder, antennae, etc. all in the back.

One of the AP servo wiring, all wiring from the sticks, wing light wires, and heated pitot come from the wings, under the floor, and behind the spar.

I know I can't drill more holes through the wing spars, so how can I run wiring under the floors and end up front? Am I missing something obvious?
Van?s will sell you any plans page for $5. I ordered the plans page for the RV-8/8A aft mounted battery harness kit, and drilled holes in my spar exactly where the drawing shows. I figured that Van's would have done the work to ensure that location and size would not cause any issues with residual strength, or interference with anything else. That drawing is at the hangar, or I?d tell you where it says to put the holes.
Van?s will sell you any plans page for $5. I ordered the plans page for the RV-8/8A aft mounted battery harness kit, and drilled holes in my spar exactly where the drawing shows. I figured that Van's would have done the work to ensure that location and size would not cause any issues with residual strength, or interference with anything else. That drawing is at the hangar, or I?d tell you where it says to put the holes.

Just buy the CD with the plans on it for $10. Then you have them all :)
2 might not be enough

My Quick-build came with 2 sets of pass-throughs (4 total) in addition to the rudder cable holes.
I'd agree with posts above, that there is a proper place to safely add a couple more holes in the spar?.at least I hope so, since my spar is "holier than thou's" ;)
I already have the CD plans. I just never realized they had content different than my printed plans.

Thanks to all of you for the helpful info.

I also just reached out to Vans, asking why my QB isn't as blessed as others.

It's not the first time they cut corners. The worst is they never demurred the holes through steel in the gear towers before then closed up the towers, so I need to do those with a Burraway. Kind of a bummer to have to buy a $100 drill bit.

VAF is becoming a god send for me. Time for me to donate.