
Well Known Member
Has anyone used and have an opinion on the wiring kits from van's. Are they complete. Is there enough material for a day/night VFR? What premium is paid not to have to order bulk items? Thanks ahead for the input.
Wiring Supplies


I ordered the Vans wiring kit but didn't go with the standard Vans panel by far. If you do use their panel design I would say yes to the kit from them because everything is cut and marked for the panel in the plans, but if you change it at all you will need many other supplies. For starters the Vans kit was good but I tore it up pretty good for my configurations. I used SteinAir for all my Panel equipment and any additional wire needed for my entire RV7A. Make a call to them, they are very helpful.

Good luck!

RV7A Slinger WI
Nearing completion....