mike newall

Well Known Member
Starting the fuselage wiring - ours is a March 2016 kit with Dynon Skyview, dual axis autopilot and lighting kit.

The two main looms that run down the fuselage 00045 and 00046 are all color coded but does anyone have a definitive index of what wire does what ?

We are now having to dodge between chapters and are wasting time trying to keep track of a sensible build process. Yes, we are going in sequence, but when you add in the options, such as servos, you get conflicting build processes and wire coding colors.

We check the updates and re printed plans and seem up to date.

We can't get the Autocad-WS in the UK, App Store problems.

Latest problem is cockpit lighting - asks for Yellow/Purple but only wire is Purple/Yellow. I know, it may be academic but usually, they are specific !

Any help appreciated.
Mike - The two wire bundles you are referring have connector shells that are marked fuselage and options.

Looking at the wiring drawing for the RV-12, you will see both the fuselage and options connectors shown (ES-00058 & ES-00057 respectfully) .... the associated wire colors for each pin number, the gauge of wire used and name of each wire is described. Below are two links... one is to the Drawing (.DWG) format and one to a .PDF file format. I find the resolution is superior with the .DWG format as opposed to the .PDF version ... but if you are having trouble opening the .DWG file, use the .PDF format.

Also of note which you may find helpful: Here in the States, blueprint shops work with .DWG files all the time ... so I found a blueprint shop locally that could open and print the DWG format. I placed the file from Van's on a flash drive and took it to the blueprint shop so I could have the wiring diagram printed for me on 4' x 3' blueprint paper. Had 6 prints made ... one of the overall drawing and an additional 4 made as blow-ups of each quadrant of the drawing so the writing was clearly legible (if you don't do this the printing is still really tiny) and the 6th drawing was of the center of the drawing showing the complete interconnect matrix. You may want to check if any of the blueprint shops in your area can print the .DWG file for you as I have done. It was also good having paper copies of the drawing to make notes on ... because I did make a few wiring changes and additions along the way (I built as E-AB).

RV-12 wiring diagram in the .DWG format here: http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/download/RV-12/SkyView/SV-AP-KNOB_03-22-17.zip

RV-12 wiring diagram in a .PDF format here: http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/download/RV-12/SkyView/SV-AP-KNOB_03-22-17.pdf

Happy building,
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I just completed the wiring last week and, with a bit of head scratching, everything worked out. I didn't realize, however, that yellow/purple is different from purple/yellow. Maybe ignorance is bliss.

Hi John,

Thanks for that, just looked at the .pdf

Man that is huge !

Got my Doris to do some stuff on her graphic design computer and we are getting closer. I think I will try get a run out on a plan printer as I am only getting small screen shots at the moment.

You really need the whole thing to get an idea of what is going where. As they have moved and improved the RV12 over the years, it looks like some bits are missed in the build flow. We are dodging between prints on the options pages to try and second guess where some of the wires are going. At the moment we have yellow on one side of the servo plug and nothing on the other side. Lighting yellow and purple seems to be purple and yellow, but then you find that the autopilot disconnect is purple and yellow :rolleyes:

A weekend of scribbling is in front of us !
I had the PDF printed full-size (A0) by a local print shop this week - it's still not really large enough to work from so you still need to enlarge local sections on a PC as you work.


I have the wiring diagrams broken down into 10 systems that can be printed 11 x 17. The large overall drawing still needs to be printed "B" size or viewed on the computer. Send me an E-mail at [email protected] and I will send you the files.
I had the PDF printed full-size (A0) by a local print shop this week - it's still not really large enough to work from so you still need to enlarge local sections on a PC as you work.

This is why I wholeheartedly suggest printing the four quadrants & center matrix blown-up on at least 4' x 3' paper. Typically one only chases one or two wires at a time from either the Options or Fuselage connector so seeing the entire drawing is not a must. Having the quadrants blown up makes it much easier to read the printed drawing without the need of a magnifying glass.
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We are dodging between prints on the options pages to try and second guess where some of the wires are going.

Mike - I realize the following suggestion will not help your immediate concerns ... however, that said, I found purchasing the Van's RV-12 CD to be very helpful because it contains all the build sections for one to look at. Example: Until I purchased the AP servos I did not receive Section 44 of the plans which shows how to wire the servo's connectors to the wiring harness.

Having a CD showing all the plan sections was very helpful at various points during the build. I was also able to copy the CD's files to my smart phone for instant access while at the hangar.
Thanks guys,

Responded and actioned.

My MacBook in the shop doesn't have a retina display and still gets fuzzy - or I am getting old :D

Her iMac upstairs in the studio is pin sharp but she will get bent out of shape if I misappropriate it !

By Tuesday I will be like Scotty diagnosing a dire emergency in the bowels of the USS Enterprise shouting at Jim saying

"Captain, I canna change the laws of physics !"
