
Active Member
Hi all, I?m beginning to run my wiring harnesses and don?t want to be short or have or too much sticking out of the fuselage sides for the wing connectors. Would anyone know how many inches of wiring they left protruding and if they were happy with that length.
I bought the wiring harness from Vans. It sticks out 15" on the left and 14 1/2 on the right. Haven't attached the wings yet, so I don't know if it's too much or not
Since you are making your own harness, I would add at least another 6" to the numbers others have posted for the factory (Stein) harness. There is plenty of room in the cavity between fuselage and wing for extra wire and the stock setup doesn't have much extra for work later. I was just working on a friend's -14 who was having trouble with a landing light and the problem tracked down to a bad Molex pin crimp and it was not easy to work on the wiring and diagnose with the stock wiring length length.
Hi all, I?m beginning to run my wiring harnesses and don?t want to be short or have or too much sticking out of the fuselage sides for the wing connectors. Would anyone know how many inches of wiring they left protruding and if they were happy with that length.

FWIW, on Van's PDF schematic the standard lengths of all wire runs are specified, in case you decide to "stick to the plans". Being on my second project (i.e. having learned my lesson) that's what I usually do, unless the nice folks on this forum present really strong arguments to deviate.