Well Known Member
I thought that the way the aileron trim kit was setup for the wiring jack on the assembly was wrong so I decided not to try and route the wire via the supplied connector slot. I cant figure what the designer intended at all.

Then I got the audio jack that goes with the wiring harness and there is no way to pass the connector thru the audio jack hole if made up in advance. I have to pass the jack wiring down through the cover plate then thru the hole in the fuse crosspiece there then attach the plug that mates to the wiring harness. Thing is it is setup so you can?t take off the cover plate without cutting the audio wires even if you makeup that connector that supposedly would let you disconnect it.

Why is it done like that? I guess I don?t ever need to pull that panel.......
Yes I?ve read that thread. I?m curious if I?m missing something useful in the setup I?m looking at.

One useful thing might be to enlarge the subpanel hole for the audio jack so that the connector can b passed thru and make that disconnect useful.
Yes I?ve read that thread. I?m curious if I?m missing something useful in the setup I?m looking at.

One useful thing might be to enlarge the subpanel hole for the audio jack so that the connector can b passed thru and make that disconnect useful.
Why would you need to remove the audio jack, other than to replace it if it were broken? In which case it would be fine to cut the connector of the audio jack, and just install a new one.
Now I don't feel bad that I can't figure this out. I routed my servo wires thru the bushing in the servo housing. It looks to me that the wires are now on the outside of the housing, but the molex connector is installed so that the wires are inserted into the back of the connector from the inside. What am I missing?