Ex Bonanza Bucko

Well Known Member
I saw a wiring diagram for moving the voltage regulator from the engine bay to behind the firewall when adding a second Skyview to the RV12 here. But I can't find it again.

Can you help?

Thanks a bunch,
This thread.

Now, here's how I found it. Note that the search function in the forums leaves a lot to be desired. In fact, just like there is a sticky post on "How to post pictures" there should be a sticky thread on "how to search."

Click on any post in the RV12 sub-forum. Like this one. At the top you will see
"VAF Forums> Model Specific > RV12"
Click on the RV12
Now, right below the upper right "Page 1 of X" boxes is a button to Search This Forum.
Type in a keyword there, I used regulator which was enough for this search, since I remembered it was recent.
IMBW (I may be wrong) - I'm not sure the actual wiring itself changed, just the location of the box/VR. The important thing would be the plans change for the wiring runs and the plans drawing for the new mounting location, if this is true.

That's what I saw: a black and white diagram of the current wiring and the l placement of the VR inside the panel. The wiring doesn't change, just the placement but the way that is done is important. The drawing I saw also showed a large loop of wire available inside the engine bay that facilitated moving the VR without making another harness. I would also like to see any info about how to rewire the connector because it will have to come off before the VR is reconnected inside and through the hole in the firewall.
Ebb you do not "rewire" the connector.
You unplug the connector plug from the regulator.

You pull the wires from the connector plug because it wont go through the little firewall hole. (BTW I intend to drill a new hole in the firewall with grommet and sealant. No way I think those wires will go through the existing hole with all its other wires!

It's pretty simple to make a note of what wire you pull out of what hole in the connector so you can put them back the same way!

Also - if the SLSA does not come with a full set of RV12 plans, do yourself a favor and buy them.

You mount the regulator inside.
You reconnect the wires to the connector inside the plane, in the same holes they came out of, and plug it in.