Van's has this guidance.

If you have not yet installed the lower wing skins, and need to be able to buck those skin to flange rivets, be sure to leave yourself access for the bucking bar (ie, don't position the conduit over the rivet hole on the flange).
I used snap bushing only and I never had problems routing the wires after my wings were closed. On the plus side with regards to snap bushing, I can see all the wires instead of them burying everything inside the tube. This is helpful when I was performing system checking during final assembly.
I appreciate that the original builder of my RV-9A used the corrugated conduit when he built it. Ten years later, I needed to run some wiring and some tubing from the wing to the cockpit as advances/changes in avionics required some re-wiring for upgrades. Getting some AoA tubing and some wires to make that 12-14 foot excursion was really simple by running it through the conduit, whereas feeding the stuff blindly through a series of snap bushings seems like it would have been a lot more difficult.