
Well Known Member
What size wire did you use to the starter, alternator and engine ground? I looked at part 43, Vans builders guide, and talked to quite a few people but there is a lot of varation in the answers. Hopefully a majority answer can be arrived at from experienced builders here whom have not geneated any electrical fires!

Using the Skytech starter that can pull up to and over 300 amps for some models it almost doesn't fall on the wire size chart even when considering it to be an intermittent load.
Drawing OP-10

#2 per OP-10

There really shouldn't be much variance in our aircraft. Running the numbers (length and draw) usually results in a theoretical answer of 4 AWG, so 2 AWG is the conservative choice. A rare few cases might lead to theoretical 2 AWG, so maybe these might end in a 1 AWG choice, but really that's probably overkill.


A number two is what I had come up with as well. Vlad pointed out the OP10 drawing but I don't have it because I bought a different starter from a different source. Vans appearently only sends that drawing if you buy the starter from them.

I bought a complete set of electrical drawings from VAns. Paramount in my build. 3 or 4 drawings.
I ran #2 to the starter, #6 to the alternator, and used some heavy (#2) welding cable for my engine ground.
Wire size

Looks like a lot of people came up with the same sizes. I did a #2 to the starter. a #6 to the alternator and a engine ground equal to or better than a #2. I also was told that the engine ground need to be at least equal to the starter wire size and that make perfect sense to me as it potentailly has to be able to sink the current draw of the starter. I may have to call Vans because it seems there are severl sheets of plans I do not have because I bought some of the firewall forward stuff from local sources to avoid the shipping here to the Atlantic costal plains.
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Bob Collins - Scary stuff. Thanks for pointing this out. All my cables will now need to go through the inspection.
Electrical plans avail from Van's

I purchased just the drawing and instructions for the wiring harness from Van's. Part number for the 9 drawings is DOC ES HARNESS-6/7/9

Cost about $10 and well worth it. They cover a basic VFR set-up like the demo plane and although I deviated (Dynon Skyview, LED lights, etc) they were easily be adapted to my config.

Set also has the inventory pages so you'll have the part numbers if you want to order select pre-made cables from Van's such as shielded mag leads.