
I'm New Here
I am installing a G3X with Autopilot in an already built RV-4. Second owner. Would like to know if there would be any reason why I could not put a hole in the frames under the rear seat area. I am not a builder, so I am not sure if there would be any issues with that. Thanks in advance for the advice
There should already be wires runing aft from the bus/panel to the tail for the lights, antennas, ELT, etc. You can probably just use the same holes. My wiring mostly runs through the sides of the fuselage paralell to the rudder cables.
wire routing

I am installing a G3X with Autopilot in an already built RV-4. Second owner. Would like to know if there would be any reason why I could not put a hole in the frames under the rear seat area. I am not a builder, so I am not sure if there would be any issues with that. Thanks in advance for the advice

Probably there are aft holes already. Not big enough for the D-sub connectors to go with the wires. You will most likely have to de-construct them before passage.
Since the rear floorboard are REALLY REALLY hard to remove, you may want to run a stiff wire or thin fiberglass rod back to snake the wires through.
I used a fishing pole in the wing roots for a run.

I usually run the wires through the smaller hole, then install the DB connector after the wires are routed. You can pre-pin all the wires and plug the pins to the connector after the wires are cleared. I am not comfortable cutting the large holes so the DB connector can pass because of the fear the large hole will compromise the structural integrity.
I was just in your same situation when I did my avionics upgrade. I’m the 4th owner. Fortunately, the original owner ran several conduit’s under the rear seat floor. I had enough room to run a smoke tube and 90% of my wires beneath the floorboards. My ADAHRS tubes had to be run beside the left rudder cable. My GPS175 antenna coax and GPS 2020 receiver wires were run along the right side.