
Well Known Member
I am routing WH-00046 on page 31B-06. My Red heat shrink band moved. This band is to be lined up with the F-1202F, but I lost my reference. Also does the wire get routed over the rudder pedals?
jsenft -- I just took my WH-000046 wire harness out of the bag and measurements were taken from the connector on the instrument panel end of the cable to the red bands.

The first red band is located at 23" from the connector.
The second red band is located 62" from the connector.

Hope that is what you needed.

Happy Building,

Thanks, that absolutely does help. Any thoughts on routing over the rudder petals or not. I think I can figure that out now that I know the length.
Jim - Sorry can't help you with the routing ... have not made it quite that far yet nor have I studied the plans for that cable install yet. I'm right behind you so will need to find out for myself real soon.

May not hurt to have a quick peak at other builder's Blogs to see if there are any good photos to use as reference.
Just a hint, Tape the wire and all the connectors before routing the cable. It make it easer to run through the holes