
Well Known Member
Getting in the final bit of wiring and running all the pitot/static plumbing, I find my self running sort of room passing through the spar. I have the 4 -5/8 holes in there now, but find I could reall use 2 more, one on each side. I thought I read somewhere that someone had done this after checking with Vans, but can't seem to find that info anywhere now that I need it.......... Go figure :)

Can any of you guys help with this info?

Static line can move under the canopy rail

I ran my static line under the canopy rail. That freed up a lot of room in the spar feedthroughs...enough for several 22 AWG wires. Also, if you keep the transponder antenna forward of the spar (mine is just aft of the firewall), that's one coax you don't have to run through the spar.