
Active Member
Has anyone found any problem with the wire harnes's supplied? Are you guys running continuity checks on the wire / connector combination to make sure there are no problems before installation.
It would be a good idea to check all harnesses for continuity. I had one with two pins in a Dsub connector switched (paid for the harness too :0 ) Had I checked, I would have found the mistake before installation. Wasn't a huge deal, but wasted a bunch of time trying to find out what the problem was.
I think if harnesses from Steins had any sort of regular problems, they would be posted here. I haven't read any except for my faulty USB plug. That's what that TEST PASSED page you get is supposed to assert. What would you do, check that page pin by pin to verify it for each harness? Kind of tough - on the newer harnesses some of the numbers run together. There is currently no wiring diagram anyway for the Skyview system - there is one on the forum that someone did for the prior avionics.
I discovered that a couple of wires had been inserted into the wrong pins in the original Optional D-Sub Connector. This is part of the Fuselage Wiring Harness that comes in the Finishing Kit. Although I'd purchased my Finishing Kit in 2010, I didn't discover the problem until last Friday, 3/30/2012.

As part of my current Skyview Upgrade, I was inserting two wires from the AP Disconnect Button into Pins 9 & 12 of the original Optional D-Sub Connector as described on Page 31-07 (actually, this is no change from the original design. I had put off doing it while waiting for Skyview). That's when I discovered that two wires had already been inserted into Pins 9 & 12. After digging up a wiring schedule spreadsheet on vansairforce.net and studying it for awhile, I determined that the wire in Pin 9 shoud be moved to the empty Pin 10 and the wire in Pin 12 should be moved to the empty Pin 11.

I have no confirmation that my re-pinning is correct, but feel rather confident about it based on the wiring schedule spreadsheet. My concern is that I found this problem only because the plans directed me to insert wires into those pins. Otherwise, I would've never found it.
On the original RV-12 control board, optional pins 9 & 10 (APDC) are connected together and so are pins 11 & 12 (GND) connected together. Electrically speaking, it would not matter if the wires going to optional pins 9 & 10 were swapped. And likewise, it would not matter if the wires going to optional pins 11 & 12 were swapped.
Of course it is better if the wires are terminated according to the plans to avoid confusion.
Joe Gores