
Well Known Member
What are folks using to terminate the bowden cale that operates the purge valve actuator? The cable ends sold by Vans and ACS has a usable shank of about .025" which is fine if it's actuating a thin sheet of Al, but that control arm is itself 0.25" leaving no room to get a washer and castle nut on it.


I can make something out of a short piece of angle and a couple of bolts and washers, but just wondering if there was something more elegant.

This is what I recommend and use myself for this very important control!:

It's not something for which you want to use a solid wire Bowden cable. Buy a real control cable with a threaded end and a locking knob.

VAF is a lifesaver. Potentially in the literal sense here. (GULP!)

This makes much more sense.

Ordering it tomorrow.
Cable ends

We prefer using rod end bearings on all control cables (throttle, mixture, purge valve). It not only gives a almost bullet proof connection but also gives good operation if the cable has some offset to the lever. There are plenty of examples of these connections in the appendix section in your Installation and Service Manual. If you need more examples email me at [email protected], and I can send you more ideas from installations we did at our facility.
