
Well Known Member
Saturday was the annual Winterhaven Fly In. As usual there were great airplanes, great food and great weather. There were about 80 aircraft dominated by RV's. Here a a couple of pics of somr RV pilots dissing on what the spam can pilots are missing and a hat sighting.

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A couple more.....

"Crazy" Eddie Fernandez makes it to Winter Haven

Craftsman Extrodinaire George "Big Jorge" Barth points out flaws in an otherwise fine looking aiplane to Bill Northwall

Part of the 20 or so RV's attending:

The rest of the group:
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You guys missed a picture of the prettiest one there---mine:D (Me? Of coures I'm not predjudiced):rolleyes:

We had 2 RV's, a Sonnex, Traumahawk, and Cessna 152 there from Valkaria. Great time was had by all.
Sorry Sarge,

I thought I had a shot of the three or four on the end you were parked - evidently I was wrong.

And yours does get a lot of attention.
You guys missed a picture of the prettiest one there---mine:D (Me? Of coures I'm not predjudiced):rolleyes:

We had 2 RV's, a Sonnex, Traumahawk, and Cessna 152 there from Valkaria. Great time was had by all.

I was there on the tail end of lunch but your paint scheme is memorable and I sure like it.
Myra and I spent Friday night with Turbo and Kim at Stuart. He was tied up with the Stuart Airshow which also went through this weekend. I am proud that he is my friend and a great host. Thanks for posting more photos of Winterhaven. I was too busy eating to get all that I wanted. It was great wathing all the takeoffs after lunch. It looked like a dine and dash party.
I forgot to mention that it was really nice of Winterhaven to paint thier fire hydrants the colors of our RV6A. Great minds think alike.