Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Just a heads up, if you are not planning to use your portable electronic gizmo over the winter be sure to follow the mfg recommendations for long term storage. Actually this applies at any time, but winter is when many of us cut back on our flying activities.

In general;
-> typical dry cell powered devices suggest removing the batteries to
prevent leakage corrosion.

-> NiCad batteries like to be stored at a fairly low % of charge, ditto NiMhd.

-> LiPo also like a less than full charge for storage, around 40% or so.

Not sure about LiFe........

Keeping the charger plugged in continuously is not recommended.

If you have the correct equipment, a charge and cycle every month is fine, then charge back to storage lever for whatever battery chemistry you have.

Lots more detail available courtesy of your friend Mr. Google.
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