
Well Known Member
For anyone going to OSH, I would love to see a pirep on the synthetic vision for WingXPro. Both with the AHRS and without. Looks very cool and would eliminate a very expensive upgrade to my EFIS!!!


Jeremy Constant
RV7A 120 hrs, prop just back on after reseal :mad:
I will check it out and report back. If you PM me your address, I will try to remember to grab you any materials they have on it and send them your way. I hadn't heard of this particular before but infrared imaging/synthetic vision is something I definitely plan on including in my aircraft.

There are also rumors of a new bluetooth ADAHRS for ForeFlight.
I imagine this year's Airventure will be the most technologically advanced we've ever seen. I can't wait to get there!
Lots to chew on...I'm trying both Foreflight and WingXPro and what happens at OSH this year will probably steer me more toward one or the other...


Jeremy Constant
Hands on

I have both the "Wing X" and "ForeFlight" on my iPad. I found on the flight to OSH (10.7 hours) ForeFlight was much easer to use. Cannot really say why but whin using Wing X I always went back to ForeFlight when I wanted info quick.

That said I checked out there booth. For pitch and roll there is a $700+ "black box" that must be purchased from another vendor. That vendor sold out at noon wednesday. The Synthetic Vision is in it's infancy that is obvious. IF they get it working with all they plan in it will be real nice. However when asking some questions I did not get a good feeling with there answers. I am not a technology geek, not all that quick to pick things up and my questions are generally rather simple so when my simple questions cause someone to stumble around for an answer I tend to not be real confident with there answers. My question was something like how does the lithe black box know straight and level vs not. Answer "real easy once in place zero it out. One time on the ground and you are done". Well that is cool but I have a tail dragger how do I zero it out? Same way he says. Well then when I am flying straight and level it will think I am diving. He did not understand. I used his brochure As a visual aid and after a couple tried he understood. He was stumped for a second but quickly recovered and said well just zeroit out in flight. I state it would probably be more accurate to rais the tail ontheground till you were in a level flight attitude then "zero it out". He looked confused but said that would work.

No big deal it was at the end of the day he was tired I probably asked the question in a weard way. However I could tell it was something they had not thought about. It did not inspire confidence.

One thing he told me that all the data for the SV is already on the iPad with the Wing X program they are just working on the program to use it the data. It looks neat but then again so did "pong" when it first came out. There online videos were the same videos they are using at the booth. I would have thought they would at least have KOSH programed in so we could see there "vision" on how airports will look.

Any way I thought it was nothing more than a interesting toy for right now.
Thanks Mike! Yeah...I too was hoping that they would have better videos than what are posted on their site.

I tried it...but

Any recent PIREPS?

I bought the full meal deal. 2D moving map and the synthetic vision.

The synthetic vision is not ready in my opinion. I used it going out to Colorado from dfw. I needed to fly low which means the 496 I had with me gave me several warnings about towers.

In this scenario I expected wingx to show the tower in yellow.. maybe similar to how garmin depicts towers. The towers really were not very visible and it did not give me any real urgency that I might have a collision problem.

As I approached the mountains, I was not really impressed the quaility of the graphics. Finally, on the runway, numbers are NOT drawn on the runway.

On the wish list would be a Highway in the sky, IFR approach mode with boxes to fly thru similar to GRT.

The most egregious problem with this software, is that there is NOT a simulation mode for the general consumer. If you happen to be a software developer, it is available. One thing I have always loved about the garmin line is that you can armchair fly with the gps. This has been a great training aid and is much safer.

On the upside, the 2d portion of the map is nice and competitive with foreflight.

Just my 2 cents. I'm sure it will get better with some time.