
Active Member
Have been trying to connect with customer support at WingX Pro (Hilton Software) on some recent issues with their software, and am not getting much response. It seems as though the WX option has had some bugs get into the code. For example, the time stamps are all 24 hour style, rather than am/pm style. Also, the TAF tab includes METARs for all the nearby airports, along with the TAFs. This makes it inconvenient to scroll through all the METARs in order to find the TAFs that I am looking for. Also, I have user identified way points that I am not able to delete. Have tried everything. Has anyone else that uses WingX Pro found some of these issues with their software? Their customer support used to be quite responsive to inquiries, but I find that I am not getting replies. Maybe they are becoming a victim of Foreflight dominance??
N1179J. 9a

I have received a reply from WingX Pro, shortly after posting this message. They indicate that they are working on these issues.
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Looks right to me

Im a long time WingX user. Your first two questions I cankt really answer. To my memory, times have always been in 24 hour format for the UTC and the wx pages have always given METARS and TAFs around the querried airport.
Have you tried going into into the Route Planning tab, selecting WAYPONTS and then left swiping the watpoints to DELETE them. That?s the way mine works.
Hope you get it figured out to your liking.
Ikve always gotten timely responses to my emails.
Yes, for a week, maybe longer, when I hit the TAF tab I get TAFs for airports that have them, but also get METARS for airports without TAFs. It?s a bit of a nuscence, hopefully will be fixed soon.
Display time in 24 hour format is hardly a coding bug, it?s the standard WX has been using for years

I am not seeing the TAF/METARS issue on either of my iPads or iPhones

You can message them on their Facebook page and usually they respond within minutes or just email them at

[email protected]