wingx wonky

have you noticed any issues with the latest wingx update? I've flown twice since the update and I've noticed that the app is telling me I'm constantly changing directions when I'm not. I'm also having serious wifi connectivity issues since the update. No problems at all like this before the update.
Flew once and the only wonk was a previously noted occasional crash issue, which they told me was known, but apparently the fix did not make it into this update.
Oh yes!! I am so glad you posted this. I was starting to think it was my system. I have the same exact issue of the GPS track showing wild swings. I have wingX on my iPad and have used it for almost 3 years. I have it coupled to an iLevil AW3 with pitot static capability. I have no steam gauges and use WingX as my primary flight display. After the November 25 version upgrade, my GPS track is not usable at all. The app also still will occasionally crash and also for the last few months, when I go to set my altimeter setting (i am using the pitot static setting), it displays 29.92 initially but as soon as you push the "plus button" it goes to 29.01 and you have to go all the way up to whatever your setting needs to be. Takes a lot of time and not the thing I want to be doing after the app crashes while in busy airspace and I am supposed to be holding altitude. I have been relatively happy with the app but this latest thing and a problem they had 2 database cycles ago has diminished my enthusiasm. That previous problem was that the database cycle did not show obstacles while using synthetic vision. They finally got that fixed but still undermined my confidence. I am moving to a GRT Sport EX system and will just use WingX for back up.
Thanks for the note
Following up, today I did a long flight in a different plane and had the wild swings of heading right off the bat. But all else was spot on, location tracked perfectly with my ownship ADS-B target. I was using a STRATUX that had its own GPS and AHRS, but a woefully old software build. When I disabled WiFi and used the integrated iPad GPS all was well.

Interestingly, my previous flight without the heading issue was with an ilevil AW3. I will try it in yet another plane, with a STRATUX using a current software load and see what happens.
Mine is showing crazy heading changes too. I'm glad this was posted because I was beginning to think I had a GPS antenna spewing signals.
glad it's not just me

really happy to hear that this is a WingX problem and not an issue with my almost-new Echo/Safefly unit.
I went flying today and had the wild heading swings on both the ipad and an iphone, and interestingly enough, they matched perfectly.
I've sent a message to Hilton Software support and I suspect I'm not the only one. They need to get this fixed pronto, particularly when they said this latest update was supposed to make "GPS location more stable."
Is this only happening if you are using an external unit like Stratux to feed GPS data ?

I don't know the answer to that. My iPad is wifi only so doesn't have a functioning GPS. I do know that it happens both with my iLEvil 3AW and also a Stratux that I have. I also have FlyQ on the iPad and it is rock solid with both of the external GPS devices. I also have an EchoUAT/SafeFly GPS but have not tried it with it.

Hope they fix it soon. I called and left a detailed email a couple of days ago but no response yet. I am certain they are getting many calls.
So today I took the third external ADS-B IN box up linked via wifi to WingX (the STRATUX with a current software build) and experienced the same heading issues. Disconnected the USB GPS puck from the STRATUX, and the issue went away. Next time I fly, I will uninstall the AHRS, and reinstall the GPS puck, just to confirm that is the issue.

Is this only happening if you are using an external unit like Stratux to feed GPS data ?

Yes. If I turn off wifi and use my iPad's internal GPS, all is well. Likewise, per above, removing the GPS from the STRATUX got rid of the issue. GPS input from the iLevil 3 AW did not cause issues on the one flight I used it, but another poster did have issues.
So today I took the third external ADS-B IN box up linked via wifi to WingX (the STRATUX with a current software build) and experienced the same heading issues. Disconnected the USB GPS puck from the STRATUX, and the issue went away. Next time I fly, I will uninstall the AHRS, and reinstall the GPS puck, just to confirm that is the issue.

Yes. If I turn off wifi and use my iPad's internal GPS, all is well. Likewise, per above, removing the GPS from the STRATUX got rid of the issue. GPS input from the iLevil 3 AW did not cause issues on the one flight I used it, but another poster did have issues.

I know they had issues with my stratux feeding AHRS data but never noticed the GPS swing most are seeing. I had access to an old SkyRadar unit( no AHRS) , I will test with that tomorrow
Today I heard back from Hilton Software Support and they are working on identifying the root cause and deploying a fix. No indication of when.

Awesome!! I have updated the app and will try to fly at the earliest opportunity to check it out.

Thanks for the post.
I flew with it just now and all seems well. GPS heading display seems accurate and just like before the Nov 25th release.

Also as an aside, Walter at WingX support DID call me back letting me know that the issue had been fixed. I give him and Wingx kudos for staying in contact.

As an aside, I am in the process of installing a GRT Sport EX and auto pilot servos. So far all the smoke has stayed inside the wires as I was connecting everything on the bench. My WingX/iLevil 3AW will still be used but for back up only. Also, the ipad has my POH and operating limitations on it so I will keep that in the plane.

Thank you for the update. I haven't had a chance to fly with the latest version yet so I was curious.
I flew with it just now and all seems well. GPS heading display seems accurate and just like before the Nov 25th release.

I flew with the updated version of WingX today and while the GPS track was steady and not wandering all over the place as previously, it unfortunately wasn't accurate. At least it didn't match the track shown by my 430. The WingX track was consistently 7-9 degrees off the Garmin track.
I'd had a message from WingX support asking to be informed if I still had a problem after the latest update so I've done that. Anyone else seeing this track error?
I may have misspoke when I said it was accurate and stable. It was stable but I did not check it to see if the GPS track displayed actually was correct with the true course. I do know that it accurately routed me to my destination without "wandering". What I didn't check is whether or not that "track" was displaying the "correct course" although it would seem that if it took me to my destination that it would have been accurate. It should be easy enough to check.
I just checked this a little more. I only have one source of track or heading so can't compare with another one. I guess, I could use my Stratux and another iPad but I only have one mounted source feeding WingX. I normally only use GPS track as it seems that is all ATC is concerned about anyway plus my magnetometer is not as accurate as I would like because of location next to ferrous metal.

Soo when I put in a course to a destination, it give me a course to the dest and shows my current track. The course is correct as I have confirmed it with a chart and other systems during planning. Then when flying, if I match my current track with the desired course I magically arrive at my destination. So yes, I think it is showing the correct GPS track now that they updated the version.

I flew 2.5 hours with mine today. My 430W and my IFLY 740 matched the whole flight. My ipad running wingx read 4 degrees different the whole way.

But it is a success in that the heading isn't swinging wildly as in the previous version.
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I am sure you have this set right but I have to ask the question anyway (sorry). Are you sure that you have chosen in the drop down that WingX is indicating GPS track rather than AHRS heading from your magnetometer? If it is set to "use AHRS" that could explain the difference.
Not sure at all

I am sure you have this set right but I have to ask the question anyway (sorry). Are you sure that you have chosen in the drop down that WingX is indicating GPS track rather than AHRS heading from your magnetometer? If it is set to "use AHRS" that could explain the difference.

I?m completely capable of doing something out of ignorance or stupidity. I?m away from the iPad right now and will be until next week but I do have WingX loaded on an iPhone .
Are you talking about the pull down menu in the top right corner that has external hardware for a selection? If that?s what you?re talking about I?m definitely using the ads-b selection and not ahrs.
Is there somewhere else I need to be looking ?
No it is not the right top drop down menu. It is right in the center. If you click on the heading display at the top, it will drop down a menu where you can set the altimeter and also choose whether or not you want to use the AHRS for heading. If you choose that, then it will not display GPS heading at the top.
I am sure you have this set right but I have to ask the question anyway (sorry). Are you sure that you have chosen in the drop down that WingX is indicating GPS track rather than AHRS heading from your magnetometer? If it is set to "use AHRS" that could explain the difference.

turns out I had this set correctly to use the GPS track.

But I did get a message from Hilton Software today that says they'll soon have yet another new update that will fix this heading error issue. Once again, apparently I'm not the only one having the problem.
I just downloaded the app and have used it on several flights. It?s as good as anything I?ve used. If you?re a cfi, it?s free.
I'm using WingX ver and Stratux v1.4r4 because the latest version got glitchy in the air so I reverted to this version which is working fine.
Minor update - out today - it's undocumented on their change log but it supports dark mode and minor fixes
Minor update - out today - it's undocumented on their change log but it supports dark mode and minor fixes

Thanks! I just updated all of my apps yesterday so I wouldn?t have seen that for a while until I checked all my updates again.
Where did you hear about that? I follow them in Facebook and Twitter and even my iPhone isn’t showing it in the updates. :confused:

App Store just showed there were updates to a few apps that I have, showed up in. Oth iPad and iPhone
App Store just showed there were updates to a few apps that I have, showed up in. Oth iPad and iPhone

I’m still on last month’s version you let us know :) on Still nothing showing up on my iPhoneXR. I’ll check the iPad when I get home.