
I recently bought one of those antennas that mount inside the wing tip of my RV-8.

It is a piece of fairly flexible material that has a BNC connector in the middle of it. The directions say you just tape it down with non metalic tape.

So my question is this:

Given that the thing is about 40" long and the directions say to mount it horizontally but away from the metal ribs, how the heck is it supposed to fit into the wing tip?

I am also pretty sure that they don't want it in there longitudinally. I must be missing something.


wingtip NAV antenna


It sounds like you may be referring to a marker beacon antenna, though I don't have much information to base this on other than the 40" dimension.

If you are indeed referring to the Bob Archer NAV antenna, I can assure you that they are very good antennas as I have one in each wingtip and am very pleased with the performance.

Bob provides detailed installation instructions that are easy to follow.

Hi Bruce. It means horizontally in that it lays flat. You mount it fore and aft.
The com antenna is mounted from a lower edge of the tip angled up to the opposite upper side of the tip to achieve a little vertical rise for com use. This info from the horse's mouth, Bob Archer,