
Well Known Member
I have seen wingtips installed using hinges on Chad Jensen?s website and others. I like the look and easier access than using screws. I?d be interested in hearing from anyone that is flying with hinged wingtips. I also have an Archer VOR antenna that needs to be mounted. Any issues? Fretting etc.

I'm not flying yet, I used the Archers which on the ground work fine. I mounted them under the hinge. It is a really clean install but a BUNCH more work. Not sure I would do it again but after paint I may reconsider that last comment.

You can do both wing tips with 6-32 screws and nutplates in a few hours. I used Tinnerman washers under the screws to give more gripping power.

Don't get suckered into the wing tip kit. It uses 4-40 screws and they are too small. There are no other 4-40's in the construction of the plane and it is a mystery to me why they used 4-40's.

With 6-32's you get use readily available hardware. It is much cheaper and easier to work with. I had 4-40's installed and just before the first flight I was removing the tip to inspect the antennas and stripped 3 of the 4-40's. I had enough 6-32 hardware on hand and decided to replace them. With the help of a friend we completed the job in about 3 hours. Glad I did!!!

The hinge method looks great but is considerably many more hours of work.
I second Darwin's comment. Over the years I saw many RV's at OSH with the 4-40 screws and told myself I would do that... just because it gives such a neat appearance. But when the time came for me on MY plane, I decided the structural aspect of the teensy 4-40 screws was nicht gut. I have much respect for the Vans designers and figure they employed 6-32 screws for considered reasons, some of which are articulated by Darwin.
I used No. 8 screws

I like to tell everyone that I did an engineering study and determined that No. 8 screws were superior. In reality, I did not carefully check the plans when I drilled the first hole to No. 8 size. After that, No. 8 it is.
I agree with the comment not to use 4-40 screws. I have them on my wingtips and wouldn't do it again. Next time I'll use 6-32.
Thanks for the replies. I bought 150 #6 nutplates and screws a few months back. It seems that screws win! I guess you're never really done putting nutplates in these aircraft!