
Well Known Member
Sorry if this question has been addressed before; I may have missed it. I'm in the process of fitting the nav/strobe lenses to my wingtips and I'm curious how others have set the rivets in the nutplates inside the tips. There's no way to squeeze them and the flush rivet head for the gun is too large in diameter to sit on the 5/8" step that the lens fits on. I thought about using the C-frame rod that has the set hole in it with a smaller flush head and try to hold it steady over the manufactured head while a helper handles the bucking bar duties(with as low a pressure setting that will do the trick). Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanx.

N728E reserved
epoxy them in place

expoxy works great... put a little glass over the tabs too for more strength.
Wing tip lens nutplates

I just posed this question this past week. I have not yet riveted them, but I am planning on cutting the hole for the lighting first with the thought that I will be able to get the squeezer in there. I ordered the lighting that I am planning on using so I expect directions will accompany them with info on how big of a hole I need to cut. I have a flange yoke so hopefully it will fit. If not, I'll pop 'em!
Which pop rivets?

Thanx for the responses. In Vans catalog they have two blind rivets that may be suitable: MK-319-BS and CCR-264SS-3-2
I have some of the MK type but it looks like I'd have to open up the holes in the nutplate ears to make it work. Also, the grip length on both (1/8") seems marginal. Did this present a problem? Thanx again.

RV-7A (finishing kit)
N728E reserved
did you already cut the holes for the navs and or lites? maybe that will give you some extra room to squeeze them.

or, what did you finally do?
No holes cut yet.

I'm using Van's system 6 lighting setup with the combo nav/strobes at tips and lower rudder fairing. I don't expect the holes I'll be cutting will allow me access to squeeze solid rivets. I'm going out to the shop in a few minutes to open up the holes in a nutplate and see if that'll give me adequate grip with the MK319 rivets. I'll post my findings here. Thanx again for the input.

Nothing to it!

TWIMC (To Whom It May Concern- don'tcha just love acronyms)
I used MK-319-BS rivets. Used a #33 drill to open the ear holes in the nutplates and used a #34 drill on the glass tips for as snug a fit as I could get. With the slight c'sink the grip length was not a problem. I did, however use a tap to chase the threads in the nutplates because with the drag of the locking feature it was difficult to determine when the screw made contact with the lens and I didn't want to run the risk of cracking it. As usual, the stress and anxiety of anticipating the operation is generally worse than the operation itself. Thanx again to all those who provided input.

RV-7A (finishing kit)
N728E reserved
Nav light lenses


Here is one more way. I cut some small pieces of .125 aluminum and fiberglassed them into the appropriate places, then drilled and tapped. It worked great. By drilling through the holes in the lenses the holes end up in exactly the right place.

Don Owens