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sorry, shouldnt have put this where it can stay forever
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I would be very concerned about this. While it is difficult to tell from the pics, it appears that the builder blocked this portion and filled the rib.
It is not the wing tip delaminating but the blocking used to fill in.
This is one reason I am not a big fan of closing out rib sections next to control surfaces. The concern is the blocking coming loose and jamming.

You could seal the crack with epoxy or glue of some type and hope for the best. If it where mine, I would remove the wingtip and remove the blocking entirely. This will be a lot of work but it has already delaminated due to a poor bond. The other wing would also be a concern. If this one did this, the other built in the same manner might also.

In addition I would carefully inspect the HS. If the builder blocked in the wing tips, it is likely the HS was filled as well.
Another option would be to use epoxy resin and bond it back in place and then pull the wingtip and glass around the joint from the inside.
missing w-612 rib?

As pictured, I wonder if the w-612 aluminum rib was installed. If properly riveted per plans, there would be no way to have the rear part of the wing tip to separate like that. When you remove the plug, make sure the partial rib is riveted securely to top & bottom fiberglass skins to prevent flex in rear portion of wingtip.
As pictured, I wonder if the w-612 aluminum rib was installed. If properly riveted per plans, there would be no way to have the rear part of the wing tip to separate like that. When you remove the plug, make sure the partial rib is riveted securely to top & bottom fiberglass skins to prevent flex in rear portion of wingtip.

Actually a lot of the RV-6x (and -4s I presume) tip moldings did not have a good "zero" postition. I believe this was fixed with the later "non-flat top" tips.

They needed to be split at the trailing edge and adjusted - I haven't fixed mine yet, but the right tip will need to be moved about 3/8 inch vetically for the trailing edges to line up.

I could be that this delamination was triggered by the trailing edge being split for adjustment and not being rebonded correctly, especially if the aluminum rib was also not installed as you mention...
splitting trailing edge

Yes Gill, I understand what you say. Even after repositioning trailing edge, the half rib should still be installed to stabilize that portion of the tip from flexing. By the way, even the newer style tips usually require splitting the trailing edge to align neutral. I've had to split most of the tips I've delt with, also I've yet to run into a tip that I hadn't had to be shortened or lengthened to align up cord wise with the aileron.
ok, more confused


thanks for the replies and my apologies for the less than decent photos.
First, i think this was caused by an eager friend pushing the plane in the wrong spot, i.e. the wingtip itself. Here is a graphic of where the split is at.


I just spent some time digging through the plans I was given when i bought the plane, and can't find one with a w-612 aluminum rib on it. I'll keep looking but anyone know which drawing it is on?
As best I can glean, this is a 415 wingtip straight from vans, luckily installed with screws so easy to pull off. in the drawings I have (probably not a complete set...) i can't find anything that tells me to do something to the wingtip provided other than rivet it in place, so i must be missing a drawing. I am lost with the discussion on ribs in the fiberglass tip, so will dig through the drawings again see if i can find something i am missing.
Thanks for the help.
It's on Sheet 10 of my original set "Wing Layout", and shown in 3 places on Sheet 21 "Wing - Misc"

Interestingly, neither of these sheets are in my later 2000 set of instruction/preview plans.
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