
I'm New Here
I'm about to install Archer nav antennas in the wing tips. In the instructions that Bob sends with antennas it states to use the three small screws on the leading edge of the antenna to help secure to the tip, (drill and countersink) also attachment at the edge with platenuts, plus glass if desired. Is this the best way to do this task? I also have the new style wing tips for 7a with (2) lights and nav lights in the wing tips. It states to install antenna as close as possible to the light fixtures. What about the foil tape? I understand it is for the heat from the lights, but does it interfere with the reception of signal? Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Frank
Work okay

The Archer antennas work okay but I would use a belly mounted antenna for your main comm. I have a comm antenna in one tip, a VOR antenna and the MB tape in the other. The VOR antenna works okay and the Comm antenna is very directional. The MB works fine.
No 1,

I have the Archer VOR in my L wingtip (comm is a traditional one on the top back of fuselage). DON'T drill the holes in the wing tip - use the clickbond system (available at ACS among other places). Clickbond is much simpler and better for attachment of the antenna, and doesn't require any holes in the fiberglass. I actually ended up just glassing my antenna into the interior of the wingtip and adding the clickbond fasteners (3, about the same location as suggested for the three screws through the wingtip) to hold the wiring in the proper position to minimize/eliminate any radio interference.

My understanding is that the VOR is fine in the horizontal position, but that the COMM antennas work better if there is some vertical component. Something to do with the nature of the polarized signal. Thus the suggestion by most that the COMM be belly or back mounted.

Wing tip antennas

Thanks Greg, and Thanks RV7Guy for the info on the install of antennas. Frank (Number1)
I didn't use the clickbond but it would have been a great idea. The screws through the glass work just fine but they're visible. On the other hand, you will want to locate the VOR antenna under one of the attachment nutplates for the tip. This is an important electrical connection to the airframe and should have been mentioned in your instructions. For the Marker antenna, I put a stripe of glass over it just to be doubly sure (you can get lightweight glass cloth from a model hobby shop). Bob mentions putting a COMM antenna farther outboard in a wingtip to give it the necessary vertical component but I went ahead with a dorsal COMM antenna jsut to be sure.

I haven't had any problems with my NAV/LOC or Marker Beacon using the Archer antenna but Aerotronics is strongly recommending that I use cat whiskers in the -10 with the G900 system and they are experts so I shall probably do just that.
I used.......

the comant towel bar antennas in the wing tips for glideslope & vor, they work great. I used two comant bent whip comm antennas on the bottom, they work fine also, but I think I am going to eventually get rid of the comm antennas on the bottom and run coax with the correct wave length down the back inside of the gear fairings. I had a friend do this with excellent result. That would just leave a transponder ant. and marker beacon ant. on the outside. I think this would help clean up the airplane a little, maybe get a little better mileage.
I second what Patrick said about the ground for the antenna to the metal wing end. I ended up actually wiring mine to the wing end because I didn't pay enough attention to the installation and grounding requirements originally.

Just installed a new comm antenna on the belly

because the one in the wing tip would not work worth a darn on the RV-10. VOR works OK but not nearly as sensitive as external.