
Well Known Member
Anyone see the WTA episode on taildraggers airing this past week on the Outdoor Channel? Great shots of some ballsy C180 pilot dropping in over some tall trees, flaring just in time! There was a nice RV6 at a grass strip in a couple of their shots.
Toward the end there is an Aeronca pilot/singer/songwriter with a great flying tune, Song Of Freedom.

If you saw it and want the song, I have Ben Rushing's email link. He will send you an invite to a temporary Yahoo group where you can download the MP3 file.
Contact Ben at [email protected]
You may have to cut & paste the link to your email, not sure.
They showed an extended version of that episode at EAA during the awards cerermony. Very nice.

Some real good flying there. I'm sure it comes with a lot of practice. It also seems that the quality of the production of the show has increased significantly this season. To Tom Gresham and Co.: Keep up the good work, your topics this season have been very interesting.
It looks like the only way for me to get this is either an extra 12.99/month for a bunch of sports channels I won't watch or 99$/month for premium lineup (DirecTV) :( :(

Anyone know if they'll let you add just one channel? :confused:

I don't need that other stuff as I rarely watch TV anyway.

A La Carte

I, too, have Directv and it is available for $1.99 a month, channel 606.
Just tell Customer Service that you want TOC A La Carte.
It's the best $2 a month you'll spend on a TV program! (IMHO) :rolleyes: