
Well Known Member
Wing order has been placed. According to Barb at Vans, they should be ready in about 8 weeks. I have also ordered the Phlogiston spar. I have also bought the timber for the wing jig. The trick is now to construct and place the wing jig in my double garage such that I can still get the car in as well. The overhead garage door makes that something of a minor challange but it is doable. Winter here where I live can be very cold with lots of snow so the car would be better inside than out.

I would be interested to hear from others who also have bought the Phlogiston spar. I have heard that it is very well made and almost a work of art.
The spar . . .

. . . . is great. My biggest advice on the wing kit (assuming you got the pre-punched wing skins) is that the pre-drilled holes in the wing skins didn't exactly match up with where they tell you to put the ribs. In other words, I had to modify (just a little bit) where I placed the ribs on the spar to line up with the holes in the skin.

Hope that makes sense. That was a long time ago (mid-90s!) so they may have updated the skin hole placements to be perfect.


Yes best to align the skins in place on the spar and to mark the locations of the pre-drilled rivet holes for the ribs on the spar. Then align the center of the ribs with the marked location of the holes instead of using the measurements in the plans. The measurements should be close but better to place the ribs where the rivet line will be centered.

It will all make sense once you have the parts in front of you.