
Well Known Member
Well, in spite of two weddings in our family this summer (my own on June 22, and my son and his bride on Sept. 14th) I managed to keep on building throughout the entire time... albeit somewhat slower. An hour here and an hour or two there. On the landmark day of Sept. 11th, I was able to call my wings finished! (except the fiberglass tips, of course). Here are some pics of the last efforts wrapping it all up.

Before closing up the wings, I wanted to install the ports and tubing for my Angle-of-Attack system. It can be done later, but greater access makes it easier now:


Lower and upper ports in the leading edge of the wing, pro-sealed and bolted into place. Tubing installed and routed back to the wing root.


I also installed the brackets in the right wing for my Tru-Trak autopilot servo. This requires replacing one of the brackets on the aileron bellcrank. I don't have the servo yet. But it will easily go in once I get it. This was so much easier now, before the bottom skins were riveted on:


And finally, on to the riveting of the bottom skins. Jamie helped me rivet some of the difficult areas, but most of the bottom skins were riveted solo. By the way, this is also a good shot of the storage place I built for the HS, kept for now in v-blocks on the crossbeam of the wing cradle. Works great.


Riveting the bottom wing skins solo can be done with great results if you take your time. I'm very happy with the results I got. Sometimes, depending on which way the internal rib flange points, it requires left-hand riveting:


You can find ways to reach through holes in the ribs or the access openings to reach each rivet. I used my small tungsten bucking bar. It's worth its weight in gold! Reaching through holes has it's price, though. Here are some of the marks left on my arm:


I know there are ways to cushion against this, but my arms barely fit through some of the smaller holes in the ribs, and I didn't have any spare room for cushioning material in some places. Small price to pay, all in all. I'm so glad to have the skins on for good!




Back in the cradle, I put the ailerons and flaps back in place. One major milestone. One happy builder.

Now, on to the fuselage...

I have most of the firewall finished. I messed up one of the corner gussets by countersinking the wrong side for the skin dimples. Fortunately, it's an inexpensive part. I reordered one from Vans.


Now I'm working on the big F-704 center section bulkhead. This is fun!