
Well Known Member
In the process of inventorying my newly-arrived wing kit, I confirmed what I'd already suspected: that neither of my current workbenches will be a good fit for the wing construction phase of the project.

Unlike my -8's wings which were largely built in the vertical while fixed to a couple of steel posts, can (should?) the -14A's wings be built in the horizontal while laying on a bench? If so, and as I'm planning to build one wing at a time, would a 4x8 bench suffice?
I built mine horizontally, but on a longer table. I simply put two EAA workbenches end to end. I only now have it in a wing stand to work on installing the pitot mast, wiring harnesses, extra conduit, etc. Not sure yet if I'll need to move it back to the table for bottom wing skins, flaps, ailerons, and tips.
Understood, thanks. I went ahead and built the 4x8 workbench today and will likely dive into the wing kit over the weekend.

I've been assuming that the top skins can go on with the wing standing upright on the main spar, but once the leading edge and tank are installed, that's obviously out. So, I'm likely (definitely?) going to need a wing stand, too, at some point just down the road.