
Hi everyone

I have bought the QB wings for an RV7A and am looking forward to what I might want fitted further down the line.

At the moment I am just going to have Wing Tip landing lights and Position lights. But later on I might want to add a heated Pitot tube, an autopilot/wing leveler and maybe an AOA. So what I am thinking is to install all the wiring for these now before closing up and when the time comes for me or someone else to add something it will be simple enough to do.

How many and what types of wiring will I need to install now before closing the wing to meet these above requirements?

Nigel Turner
nturner said:
How many and what types of wiring will I need to install now before closing the wing to meet these above requirements?

Nigel Turner


Install no extra wire. Instead, run a conduit through the wing now that will allow you to pull new additions through at a later time. If you are considering you might add items before you fly, simply leave a length of twine in the conduit for now. Other option is use the wires you already have run to pull the new wires through the conduit, but then you'll need to splice those. This assumes you can't push something through due to bends in the conduit.

Caution, if you think you may put in a wing mounted roll servo, ala TruTrak, consider that it bolts to the spar at the roll bellcrank. The conduit will not fit behind the servo so it will need to be routed around that area now to provide growth clearance.

I'm through the wings and most of the fuselage on a 7A QB and so far the thing that generated the most cursing was installing the conduit.
