
Well Known Member
I have the Whelon System 6 strobe/nav lights, and Duckworth landing lights, and Archer wingtip antenna which I'll use for VOR. Is it OK to run all the following wires through the wing conduit:
-- Wires for Nav lights
-- Wires for strobe lights
-- Power wire for landing light
-- Coax for wingtip antenna

Thoughts, suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

You have the same setup as I. I ran the VOR coax through the bushings next to the main spar. I ran a second wiring conduit down the center of the ribs more or less and through that I ran the shielded strobe cable, a #18 wire for navigation light and a #14 wire for landing light. I wanted to keep the VOR coax and the strobe cable seperated if possible to eliminate any interference the high voltage strobe pulses may cause with the VOR signal. Don't know if this is necessary but that's what I did.

Don't forget about the roll-axis servo wires in case you want to mount one later on out near the tip.
pitot tube

Also don't forget the wiring for a heated pitot tube if you are using one. The gretz tube also has a control cable.

And, for those using an AOA system, there are some extra tubes to run.

Those wings can get kinda crowded. I hope the pvc tube installed in my wings will be big enough.

I am watching this thread for information about running the strobe wiring and wingtip antenna in the same conduit.
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tonyjohnson said:
I am watching this thread for information about running the strobe wiring and wingtip antenna in the same conduit.

Yes, that is my main concern as well.

I won't have a heated pitot tube.

I do have a wing-leveler servo in the right wing. The servo wires go through the rib holes close to the spar, the same ones that are used by the pitot tubing on the left wing.
one or two wires for position lights

I will be using the whelen 600 series wingtip lights that include both red/green position lights and a while position light on each wingtip. Perhaps others of you have used this configuration and can tell me if I need to run one or two power wires to the position lights (one for red/green and the other for white) or if one wire supplies power to both position lights on the wingtip.

What size wire did yo use for the position lights if you had one wire supply both?
There's a string attached

I've always left two or three nylon strings in the preferred conduit from the fuse to the tip. It weighs nothing and HAS come in handy. Also, a tight ball of cotton tied to string sucks through easy with a vacuum if needed.
I posted the same question a year or so back to Dan Checkoway who has everything you plan to run and he indicates no problems at all. Randy Debauw's RV-10 has similar setup with out problems. Here is my setup although not flown yet it seems to be interference free so far.

Wire size for your position lights needs to be calc'd for distance and load, #18 most likely but double check it. Van's has a table in the builders manual.

I have TT A/P servo, pitot heat, tip strobes, position lights, Archer Com one side Archer Nav/MKRBCN the other. I used RG-400 for the antennas, #14 for the pitot heat #18 for position, shielded strobe cable from Van's for the strobes, #16 for the landing/taxi light. Terminate to the unit the shields for the strobes at the source not the strobe lights. I grounded each electrical device at the point of operation, not back to the single point on the firewall. All fo the Aerolectric info says this setup is OK, two builders have confirmed thiers works OK as well.

It depends on how you want to run the whelen lights, if you want independent control you will need a power lead for each, if you want them to operate together one power lead, just make sure you consider the extra amps drawn to calc the size of the single.

Looky here for install and wiring info for Whelen:
If you have 100 Watt landing lights or think you may upgrade to them later, you should probably run 14 gauge wire to the units rather than 16.
