
Well Known Member

I need some experienced words about my organization of the construction sequence because I need to shorten times (an A&P will help me to install the engine but he's not longer available)

I've just finished my wings and all the options (vent&fuel line, fairing, flaps etc.)

I need to go into the engine mounting process (I jump the canopy for hot days) so I need my baby on wheels.

I'll turn my fuse upside down and I install the gear (previously drilled), the axle too and the wheels.

The manual give me this sequence :

- main gears axles and brake assembly
- brake lines
- gear leg fairings
- main wheels fairings

Q: can I install the wheels, put the fuse upside on them and install the engine. Later I'll do the wheels alignment and gear leg fairings.

Advices wellcome

Thanx in advance

That's what I did. I'm still in the garage at home, wings done and on a cradle.
I did the gear and added the wheels & brakes, then stopped there. I mounted the engine and did the cowl next. I've stepped on the wheels so many times I'm certain I would have damaged the wheel pants if I had put them on.
I'm adding wire now, so I'm standing on the tires as I reach in to pull wire or make connections etc. before I close the fuse top and install the windshield.
Just make a plan that puts your assembly in some kind of order so you don't spend too much time on your back looking up into the panel or standing on the wheel pants etc.
You might need some tail weights when you put the engine on, so it doesn't pitch over onto it's nose (on taildraggers ). The wings and empanage add weight behind the main gear.
and that's what I did

Luca, we did exactly what yo plan to do, except that we worked with the fuselage on its side. We bolted the gear legs in place, added the wheels and brakes and then four of us lifted it onto its wheels. We bolted on the engine mount after a little fiddling to get it to fit, and then mounted the engine - we followed the guide from the VAF forum and it took us about an hour to get the four bolts in.

Before you mount the engine though, make sure that you have added the various fittings that will be either difficult or impossible once the engine is on its mounts. I don't know what engine you have but consider things like the oil pressure feed, prop governor and bracket, making sure the orientation of the pitch control lever is correct, and main oil feed. If you have an A and P to help that will make life much easier as he will certainly be aware of these potential problems. Right now we are pulling wire and will finish the brake lines before we put on the top forward skin,, then we will do the canopy and cowling. At least, that's the plan....

Good luck!

I kept the box in which the wing kit was shipped and used it as a building platform. The -8 is pretty tall once on her gear and the platform helped make it easier to get in and out and so forth...
My advice is to get as much of everything done as you can before you put the wings on. I'd say your thoughts are right on, get the gear on (along with wheels, brakes, brakelines), get as much installed on the firewall as possible. In fact, I've seen a lot of people hang the engine on the mount and hang that in front of the firewall to locate all the openings you need. Once the engine is on the firewall for good, your work area isn't so good. Once the engine is hung, you can go ahead and fit the baffles, cowl, prop and spinner.